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Importing StockTake Files (STF)
Importing StockTake Files (STF)

Importing StockTake Files (STF)

Updated over 2 months ago


When opening a new WMS Workspace or updating stock counts, a Stock-Take-File (STF) can be used.

Detail Steps


Open WMS > Item List register > Actions menu > Item Adjustment >

select a location from the drop-down list.


Select "Search Inventory".

Once the Stock List updates, click the Export to STF

This will create a Stock-Take-File with the current counts for each item currently inventoried.

The file is a CSV – Comma Separated Variables file. See Attached "Example_StockTake.CSV" as an export Stock-Take-File example.


Open the file in Excel (make sure you select *.csv as the file filter). Note that a TILDA (~) must be placed in the BATCH-SERIAL column and a 0 as LOT for untracked stock.


UPDATE THE COUNT column to reflect the TRUE COUNT of stock OnHand.


Save the file as *.CSV.


Follow Step 1, then choose Import STF…


Please be aware of selecting correct Accounting options if applicable.

For a Standard adjustment please set Nett Cost as *(Default).


Verify the Difference column shows the difference between the original and the new count.

Note: You can enter new bins into the stocktake file, and they will be automatically created when the import file is loaded.

Required STD file information

Header Notes:

  • LOCATION = Warehouse Location (Must contain a location)

  • BIN = Bin Location (If Bin location is not used, will be set as *)

  • ITEM NUMBER = MYOB/WMS Item Number

  • BATCH-SERIAL = Item Batch-Serial Number (If item Batch-Serial number is untracked/not used, TILDA (~) is to be used)

  • LOT = Pallet Lot Number (If Pallet Lot tracking is not used, a 0 should be used)

  • EXPIRY = Item expiry date (If the expiry date is not being used, enter a - (dash))

  • COUNT = WMS Count after Stock Count; this field can be changed to Actual Count. Upon importing, WMS will identify if this field has been altered and display it as a variance.

  • COMMENT = Comment Field if Stock Count is different to WMS Count (Can be left blank) example: "One item Damaged."

The below fields will not update the WMS when imported via STF import. They are for your reference when stocktaking only.

  • DEFAULT-BIN = Default Item Pick Bin

  • RECEIVE-BIN = Default Item Receive Bin

  • OVERFLOW-BIN = Default Item Overflow Bin

  • ITEM NAME = MYOB/WMS Item Name

  • UNIT = Buying Unit of Measure

  • UOM = Selling Unit of Measure

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