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Special Pricing - per JOB

How Special Pricing Schedules are created per Jobs

Updated over a week ago


This document explains how Special Pricing Schedules are created per Jobs.

WMS Professional/Enterprise Edition products support Special Pricing By Customer By Deliver To cards. In order to set pricing for a Job the WMS uses the Customer Delivery address.

  • This feature requires the optional Special Pricing module for WMS.

  • Ensure the SPS tag is switched on in Prefs.xml <WMSAsSPSSource>True</WMSAsSPSSource> (done by Datapel Support)

  • Ensure that SPS is also switched on in Preferences (Sales tab) under "Use Special Pricing Schedules (SPS)"

  • Special price uses best price , lowest price.

  • If the same Item involved in two or more SPS setups then if any setup price set to 0 price and/or 0 discount then WMS will default to Base Sell Price. To resolve this issue please amend/delete zero value line or put 100% discount to give for free to re-calculate correct price.


Tools > Preferences > Sales setting - "Always use Item Special Price if available".

When this option is ON, Best price is ignored and the priority is individual Customer in special pricing then Group pricing.

For example:
Item Standard price = $800.00
SPS for the customer = $1000.00
SPS for the customer Group = $500.00

  • If "Always use Item Special Price if available" is ON, the customer sales will be charged $1000.00

  • If "Always use Item Special Price if available" is OFF, the customer sales will be charged $500.00

Detail Steps

How to setup different delivery cards for Customer:

  1. Go to MYOB and create separate customer cards based on different Delivery To address.

  2. Setup Special pricing Schedule (SPS) Creating Special Pricing as usual under each delivery card.

​How to turn settings on for SPS per Job:

  1. Logon in WMS as superuser.

  2. Go to Tools > Preferences > Sales Tab.

  3. Select ''Use Deliver to: Prices if available''.

4. Record Preferences.
​How to select SPS per Job for Sales:

  1. Create New Sale.

  2. Select Ship to: ''Another''.

  3. Select Deliver To card as your SPS per Job card.

4. Proceed with Sale as normal.

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