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All CollectionsSalesSpecial Pricing (SPS)
Multiple Pricing GROUPS for Single Customer
Multiple Pricing GROUPS for Single Customer

Applying multiple pricing groups to one customer

Updated over a year ago


This article explains how to apply multiple pricing groups to one customer.

Workflow Options

  • This feature requires the optional Special Pricing module for WMS.

  • New Tag <UseMultiSPSGroups>True</UseMultiSPSGroups> needs to be activated in Prefs.xml (done by Datapel Support)

  • Ensure the SPS tag is switched on in Prefs.xml <WMSAsSPSSource>True</WMSAsSPSSource> (done by Datapel Support)

  • Ensure no values in this tag <SPSExcludeIdentifer></SPSExcludeIdentifer>(done by Datapel Support).

  • Ensure that SPS is also switched on in Preferences (Sales tab) under "Use Special Pricing Schedules (SPS)."

Workflow Options

  • Special price uses best price, lowest price.

  • If the same item is involved in two or more SPS setups, if any setup price is set to 0 prices and/or 0 discount, WMS will default to Base Sell Price. Please amend/delete the zero value line or put a 100% discount to give for free to re-calculate the correct price to resolve this issue.

Workflow Options

  • When this option is ON, the Best price is ignored, and the priority is individual Customer in special pricing then Group pricing.

For examples:
Item Standard price = $800.00
SPS for the customer = $1000.00
SPS for the customer Group = $500.00

If "Always use Item Special Price if available" is ON, the customer sales will be charged $1000.00

If "Always use Item Special Price if available" is OFF, the customer sales will be charged $500.00

When the below option is ON, the Best price is ignored, and the priority is individual Customer in special pricing then Group pricing.

Options > Preferences > Sales tab setting - "Always Use Item Special Price if available".

When this option is ON, the Best price is ignored, and the priority is individual Customer in special pricing then Group pricing.

For examples:
Item Standard price = $800.00
SPS for the customer = $1000.00
SPS for the customer Group = $500.00

If "Always use Item Special Price if available" is ON, the customer sales will be charged $1000.00.

If "Always use Item Special Price if available" is OFF, the customer sales will be charged $500.00.

Detail Steps

1. In WMS Sales Register (Actions > Special Pricing), add the items into the *CustomerGroup.

2. Assign Groups to Customer Cards.


In Xero

Add multiple Identifiers to the customer card.

Add multiple Identifiers to the customer card.

Contacts > Customers > Select Customer

3. Proceed to create SPS following this link Creating Special Pricing.

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