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Console - Receive - OnOrder Details

Receive - OnOrder Details

Updated over a week ago


Console OnOrder Details is used to review/lookup Open Purchase Orders and Stock Requests using Handheld New Stock Request.

Detail Steps

Step 1. Turn on the handheld and from the Console Menu. Press down arrow then Select option 8. Receive.

Step 2. Select 3. OnOrder Details to review/lookup open Purchase Order/s.

  • Press 1 to Receive Items against an Order - Go to Console - Receive - Receive Order(s).

  • Press 2 to create a Purchase Request - Go to Console - Receive - New Stock Request.

  • Press 0 to return to Main Menu.

Step 3. Scan or Key in Item Barcode.

  • Press Esc - to Return to Console Menu.

Step 4. Review Open Purchase Order details quantities.

  • Press Enter Key or Left Arrow to Return to the Receive Menu - Return to Step 2.

  • Press Right Arrow to review further details. Go to Step 5.

Step 5. View Further Stock Quantity Details.

  • Press Enter Key or Left Arrow to Return to the Receive Menu - Return to Step 2.

  • Press Right Arrow to go back to previous screen - Return to Step 4.

Related Information

“SQ :” Shelf Quantity.
“AQ :” Available Quantity (SQ stock minus Committed Stock - Can be negative figure).
“MN :” Min Holding Quantity
“MX:” Max Holding Quantity
“RR:” Recommended ReOrder/Request (Calculated based on the Available, Minimum Holding Qty and ReOrder Quantity. If the reorder QTY is zero the RR QTY displayed will be the Qty to match the MAX holding.)
“OQ:” OnOrder Quantity (Approved Open Purchase Orders)
“RQ:” Requested Quantity (unapproved Purchase Orders)

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