This article describes Item register view.
Items Register View
1.OnHand - Stocks currently still in the warehouse inclusive which is already picked/packed/shipped - waiting to be shipped out. (OnShelf + OnHold)
2. OnHold - Stocks that have gone through the picking process - PICKED/PACKED/SHIPPED (stocks will be taken out of WMS once the invoice is in CLOSED status )
3. OnShelf - OnHand minus OnHold (available stock on shelf which is not committed yet)
4. Committed - Stocks that have been committed/allocated to a sale but are yet to be Picked (status NSA/ RTP/Ready to Pick)
5. Available - OnHand minus OnHold and Committed (if this is 0 or less, your sale Status will be NSA). QTY for All Locations until location filters is selected.
6. OnOrder - Stocks whose POs and sales return are not received yet (Assembly & Receiving) WorkOrders show as OnOrder while RTP AND NSA. Once a WorkOrder is CLOSED it will show in the Receive Register and hence shows OnOrder.
7. InTransit - Show transfers between locations which are not been received yet.(Transfer order)
8. UOM - Item Unit Of Measurement
9. UOM Qty - Quantity for Item Unit Of Measurement
10. Buy Dimm/ Sell Dimm - UDF fields defined by user.
11. WIP - shows only the QTY/Units (dependant on register view settings) of stock PICKED through to BUILT status from workorders.
Item Details View
1. Location - Each location that the item park at.
2. Quantity - this is referring to OnShelf for each location.
3. OnHold - this is referring to OnHold for each location.
4. Batch Serial - this is referring to batch serial number for each location.
5. Lot - this is referring to lot for each location.
6. Bin - this is referring to bin for each location.
7. Expiry - this is referring to Expiry Date for each Batch Serial Number.
Location view:
If By Location select, please refer to the OnShelf column to see the quantity available for that location. OnHand always refer to All locations.
Allocation View
Workflow Restrictions
Workflow Options To enable allocation mode:-
Steps to Allocate stock:
1. Go to Sales register
2. New Sales Order
3. Enter Customer, Ship from location
4. Enter Item and Quantity, quantity for Available will be displayed.
5. Select NEW selection "Allocate this Order"
NOTE: "Allocate this Order" selection will calculate available qty to Allocate against the order.
If there are enough stocks, then orders will be Allocated.
If there are insufficient stocks, then pop-up message will be alerted.
Highlighted number in brackets indicates Shortfall quantity.
Under Inventory Detail, quantity will show under Allocated tab.
Related Information
In all cases WORKORDERS show in Analyse OnOrder Item Detail TAB until closed.