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Creating a Work Order

Creating a Work Order

Updated over a week ago


This document explains how to create a new Work Order.

Detail Steps

1.To create a New Work Order, open the Assemblies Register.

2.Under the shortcut, select New WorkOrder.

3.Assembly WorkOrder screen will open.

4.In this example, a Work Order is created to Build 5 of Assembly ALR123 (Alarm 123).

5. Create WorkOrder.

When you click Create Work Order, if a pop-up screen with an empty error message occurred with an exclamation mark, it's usually due to your BOM creation having empty BOM qty shown below.

By clicking Estimate Max Built Quantity, the WMS does a simple calculation using the Bill Of Materials to estimate the maximum build quantity based on available components.

But first, you must create a Work Order for each Assembly Item you need to build.

Assembly Work Order - Enable with "I Buy This Item" feature in MYOB

For Assembly Work Order, all the assembly items and component items must enable with "I Buy This Item".

Please run detailed replication to sync the settings from MYOB to WMS.

Assembly Work Order will encounter error when sending from WMS to MYOB if not enable with "I Buy This Item".

โ€‹Purchase #2773469W has failed to import.
"AdditionalDetails": "Error converting value \"\" to type 'System.Guid'. Path 'Lines [ 3 ].TaxCode.UID', line 1, position 1457.",
Unable to find TaxCode


How to display WorkOrder Instructions

It's a Components slip form, only available when the order is PICKED.

From Assemblies register > Highlight your Order > go to Manifest tab > open Components Slip.

You can create an assembly that's linked to a sale by right-clicking on a sale and selecting Create Workorders. You will receive the option to create all builds or only the ones you don't have enough stock of.

You can create, pick, build, close, receive and allocate to sales in one step. The option is found in the right-click menu of the Sales register.

You may use the shift or ctrl key to multi-select orders before using this option. If a built can't be completed due to out of stock, the build will sit in assemblies as NSA until it can be fulfilled manually.

Please ensure you don't click on the option multiple times for a sale, or it will keep creating work orders over and over for the same sale and add the built items into stock.

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