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WMS 9.1 Series Update Release Notes
WMS 9.1 Series Update Release Notes

Updating Release Notes from WMS 9.1 Series

Updated over a week ago

9.1.165 Release 11/05/2018

  • Fix Transfer Lock creates duplicate lines when QUICK transfer fails

  • Rounding Improvements on Sales Total Calculation

  • Spot Rate Extended to 6DCPL

  • Kit UOM Fractional fix applied from V10

  • Analyse with Excel Added to Stock Pick form

  • Quick Transfer now highlights Transfer Line blocking Commit

  • Combine Orders supports Allocation workflow

  • Split Allocate orders option as per Split Pick now available

  • Stock Lookup Assistant filtered by supplier not working

  • Issue with Transfer Replication

  • Overpick on assembly with same item on multiple assembly line

  • [Allocation] Combine Orders must support Allocation

  • Spot Rate extended to 6DCPL

  • Kit Issue with fractional quantities

  • Overpick on assembly with same item on multiple assembly line

  • Transfer performance optimisation

  • [Allocation] Split Allocation

  • [Transfer] Quick Transfer to show BLOCKING LINES

  • [Pick] Add Analyse with Excel option to Pick Screen

  • Transfer transaction not showing in stock history within WMS but it's in DB

9.1.163 Release 27/03/2018

  • New Create Transfer from WorkOrder

  • Optimisation on Transfer record locking strategy to improve performance

  • Useability improvement in Transfer Entry Form

  • Improved Search in Transfer Register

  • New Pick Methods now reflect to Manual Pick Sort/Selection Order

  • Assemblies - Item Details - The filtering of location is not working for Assemblies

  • [Transfers] Default Search option now working

  • [StockLegend] Selecting Multi Lookup then revert to simple keeps returning multi result and vice versa

  • Unpick order go to status “SCANNED” instead of “RTP”

  • [Sales] Clipboard - error function to insert \c and item details into description.

  • Create Transfer from Assembly

  • [Pick Stock] Enable Advanced Pick Methods in Manual Pick Stock

  • [Transfers] Change the Exclusive lock points

  • [Transfer Workflow] Allow the CTRL+ENTER to trigger item lookup

  • [Replicator] Spot Rate to be read from Source Transaction NOT from MYOB Spot Rate

9.1.162 Release 23/01/2018

  • Fixed returns and POS pricing

  • Query timing issue

  • SPS report doesnt work with new WMS SPS module

  • Invalid Purchase Summary Report data linkage

  • New / Blind Return Issue

  • POS Price Issue

  • [Registers] Change in Search method requires SELECT DISTINCT prefix

9.1.161 Release 16/01/2018

  • Minor feature update for Quick Scan Pack

  • Installer and WMS.EXE signed with "Datapel Systems" Publisher Certificate

  • User Management > Quoting and Sales Order > Change Orders Priority, doesn't prevent users from changing status when they open the sale

  • [V9] Report - Stock List failed to run with All Item selected

  • [v9 WMS Explorer] Lost the Ctrl – N function from the Sales Register screen

  • Payment Receive screen loading is very slow

  • [PickStatus] Pick Status fails to update on CLOSE

  • [v9 AutoComplete] Single Quote and Special Numbers break the AutoComplete on Item Lookup

  • [v9 DataPOS] Item and Barcode Scanner not responding after update

  • [v9 Replicator] Incorrect Work Order Line Comment replication to MYOB

  • [V9 QuickScan] EXPRESS quick scan code to AUTOFULFIL

9.1.160 Release 28/11/2017

  • EDI/ScanPack Box Management additions

  • Allocation Restriction options to protect from Over-Allocating

  • New Register columns to indicate Available For Allocation (AOK)

  • New Register Order Status (OPEN) and (ATP)

  • Item Lookup and AutoComplete enhancements

  • Significant Register Performance Improvements

  • Minor Bug fixes and Useability improvements

  • Installer and WMS.EXE signed with "Datapel Systems" Publisher Certificate.

  • Ad Stock lookup loads item with zero onhand even if you tick hide zero stock item

  • Duplicate lines from creating via reorder management V10 and V9

  • [v9] Remote Sales Import for Kit Item missing Some Fields

  • [Locations] Locations Management apprears to freeze on edit of Bins

  • [Bins] On create Bin the new Bin not showing in transfers

  • [Stock Legend] Filters not applying correctly

  • [Analyse] View Menu Analyse with Excel

  • [Optimisation] Transfer BIN dropdown optimisation to WMS from ICXE

  • [Allocation] Line Item Status Updates

  • [Allocation] Restricted Allocation Option

  • [Allocation] NoReserve Add to Sales/Despatch Register and Line Details

  • [Allocation] Restricted Allocation Option (Additional Requirements)

  • [Performance] Item Autocomplete combo to recordset optimisation

  • [Build Assembly] Up Down arrow now select next BOM in list

  • [WMSExplorer] Register Optimisations

  • [Allocation] Status Refresh and Status Codes

  • [Scan Pack] Edit Box Number against pick line

9.1.158 Release 31/10/2017

  • WorkOrder Detail shown in Item Lookup

  • Allocate/Approve filters in Despatch Register

  • Audit Trail improvements

  • V10 Feature merge

  • Minor Bug fixes, Performance and Useability updates

  • [Schema] Add Indexes to PAW_PutAways

  • [V9] Tax by Host for KIT not working

  • [V9] KIT Sale Import SubTotal incorrect (in Sales Advice Report)

  • [Item Details] Analyse Tabs - committed and On Hold Tabs - Minor adjustments for workorder users (PAID)

  • [Schema] Add Indexes Sales Register

  • [Schema] vRWO_ReceivedWorkOrders

  • [WMS Explorer] Filter Despatch Register Approved/Allocated

  • [Audit] Added improved Security Log on drill to order - verifies if user accepted changes from sale form to despatching order

  • [Performance] On Startup Initialise Worker/Assignment list slow to populate

  • Pack Type scanning in Pack Scanning

  • [Replication] WorkOrders using Total Stock OnHand

  • [Schema] New View for CustomLists

  • [Reports] New Batch Analysis Production Report Sets

  • [Schema] ItemRegister Optimisation Investigation and Recommendations

9.1.157 Release 02/08/2017

  • New Script points for Workflow Customisation

  • User privileges now passed to reports/forms

  • Minor Bug fixes and Useability updates

  • [Replication] WorkOrders Order of Import

  • [Adjustments] Duplicate Record handling

  • [Bins] Workflow allows duplicate Inactive/Active Bin with same name

  • [Transfer] Location Bin to New Location Bin ignores inactive bins at Destination

  • [Quick Scan] Cannot underpick transfer line

  • Adding receive order object to script point WO_ONAUTO_RECEIVE

  • Script point on create and after create of purchase order

  • Way to print the users name who run the report

9.1.155 Release 16/06/2017

  • Customisation View Extensions (Item Register)

  • Workflow Optimisation (Multi/Single-Payments)

  • Minor Bug fixes and Useability updates

  • Clone order doesn't get correct receiver address for Freight module in Pack screen (v9 reported by Cargo crew)

  • 'EOMONTH' is not a recognized built-in function name on SQL 2008 R2 and below

  • [Help ] KB URL incorrect and needs to point to new online database

  • [Demand Planner] Group-Sum Location Forecasts to single figure

  • Supplier details not showing on Receiving register

  • Not able to edit the Price Level as Superuser or Admin User

  • OnOrder Qty Is Not Displayed in Stock Lookup

  • [Quick Scan - Barcode length] Please increase to 50 digits

  • To search the sales register by job code

  • Schema, Inventory register and WMS core changes for job #17899

  • Item Register - A shortcut to view Item List Register

  • [Sales] Multi-Payment option to add as single payment

  • [Schema] Add additional UDF to Sales and Transfer headers

  • [Schema] Add vAUD_Audit for Mobility Server Dashboard

9.1.153 Release 11/05/2017

  • Price Level management updates

  • Performance optimisation (jump-to-order)

  • Minor Bug fixes and Useability updates

  • New layout for vOCO_OpenCheckOutsByLoc (due to system freeze when you go to item > location tab)

  • [Schema] Order Exchange View Update

  • Can't find items without 'I Sell This Item' in MYOB in "Replace on all BOMs" function

  • [Item Details] detail tab shows units but without decimals

  • Deadlock issue - Lock resource not required on this select statement please remove

  • [Reports] Min Alert By Location Report

  • when you delete last kit line by pressing delete button, new item you enter on the line disappear

  • [Quick Scan] Scan ship allows ship of picked orders

  • [Reports - Assemblies] Assembly summary by Item report

  • Discount disappears if unit qty is 20000 and item price more than $20

  • User lock window popping up when you try to create a stock order manager

  • Onorder qty not appear in stock lookup assistant window

  • WMS fails to create PO via NSA sale order

  • SQl query timeout when you select certain date in filters

  • BXL_BoxList Table missing one field?

  • Cant delete price levels

  • Cant enter price level less or equal $0.50

  • [Reports] Add WO Committed to AnalyseDemand and AnalyseInventory Reports

  • [Barcode Views] New Barcode View UDF1 and extended Barcodes combined

  • Schema, Inventory register and WMS core changes for job #17899

  • [Schema] New View to support OVER ALL LOCATIONS replenishment

  • Cannot scan multiple GS1 Barcode into one line

  • UDF import/export only handle 200 char.

  • [Schema] Optimisation of vLOI - Left Joins and Filter

  • [Schema] New view to provide Custom Field Header names

  • [Performance] Optimisation WMS Explorer JumpToOrder

  • [Add Location Drop Downs - Reports] Analyse Stock and Stock Valuation Reports

9.1.151 Release 08/01/2017

  • Dashboard Register fix for Multi-Workspaces

  • Scan Count UX fix

  • Minor Bug fixes (negative hold updates) and UX updates

  • Back order Address info missing

  • Dashboard not working for 2 workspace INCY

  • Incorrect right click last price

  • Search item lookup, tick the box "Hide all zero quantity stock items, it is still select/ show the hidden items

  • [Adjustments] Possible Inventory Adjustment Collision / Negative Inventory Issues

  • [XML CheckIn] Unable to import SKU with fractional Units

  • [Sales] Quantity OnHand Calculation fails on Location Change in some cases

  • [Sales] Delete Lines Audit trail and fail cases

  • Highlighted and Focus The Scanned Item in Pack Order Screen

  • [Schema] Optimisation of ATN_AutoNumber query

  • [Item Detail] Add Order Status

  • [CubicCalc] Increase Grid Size to view more PACK

9.1.150 Release 01/11/2016

  • New Dashboard Register

  • Improved Stock Re-Order Manager UX and performance

  • Scan Count bug fixes

  • Minor Bug fixes and Useability updates

  • [ReOrder] Stock Reorder Performance Issue

  • Despatch register detail not showing item name when order is transfer

  • Stock Reconciliation - view change requirement

  • [Cancel] Cancelled Transfer Orders must be DELETED if superuser selects cancel

  • [XML Import] Remote XML sale import minor rounding issue

  • When perform check count, system do NOT green highlight the item they scanned

  • Scan check workflow - if item is fractional then system show qty instead of count, count column to be changed to unit

  • Allocation - Reserved stock cannot be Auto picked on manual pick.

  • Emagin: GS1 Scanning in Receiving section - not recognising (10) section code, only (21). Also having to click on first line in between scans.

  • Cancel and restore of cancelled transfers

  • Update to Carrier Adaptor for issues brought up in ELK deployment

  • [WMS Explorer] Dashboard Register

  • Allocation - alert for auto pick currently says sale line number - please add Product code.

  • barcode close this pack screen

  • ELK Require new RemoteSales Fulfillment Mode "D" (Despatched Order)

  • Adding "Scanned" and "Check" barcode in the Quick Scan Reference

9.1.149 Release 1/9/2016

  • [Purchasing] Incorrect "on order" figure due to UoM buy v Sell

  • [RETURNS] Issue when using scanner to increase QTY.

  • [DataPOS] OperatorID not recorded on sale record/update

  • [Email] Retrieve existing Outlook App reference fails

  • [Prefs] 'Hide Quotes' – doesn’t retain for Users

  • Stock Lookup Assistant from the BOM can't find items without 'I Sell This Item' in MYOB

  • [Sales] Added handler for the DELETE key on Sales Grid as Shortcut key DELETE SALE LINE

  • [Recieving] Warning future dated transactions.

  • [Pick] Set order to SCANNED status via USB Scanner in WMS.

  • [QuickScan] WorkOrders extended with Audit Trail Logging

  • [Sales] Show the kit price on the sales register in the detail tab

  • [Schema] Special Pricing by Item by Customer Views

  • Alternate Barcode Was Not recognised in Transfer Form

  • [Kits] Sale and BackOrdering of Kit Sets or Kits v2

  • [CreditHold] Blocking of OnHold Customers During Invoice to MYOB now a Prefs.XML setting

  • [Assemblies] orders closed in Assemblies but still OPEN in Receiving.

9.1.148 Release 27/07/2016

  • Additional Script point

  • Improved Audit Trail Logging for SPLIT PICK options

  • Minor Bug fixes and Useability updates

  • order status doesn't change to ALERT on v146 and 147

  • Show History function put SO number in status report's Filter

  • [Sales] Quantity as negative for SLL and LIT but positive for PDL and SKH

  • [Replicator] Stop sending orders if customer on credit hold

  • [Replicator] Script only operates on the first MYOB SaleOrder

  • [Assemblies] Improve traceability by DrillDown to stock group

  • [Sales] New Script point on Order Total Update

9.1.146 Released 01/07/2016

  • Referral Source updates direct from WMS Explorer

  • Improved Audit Trail Logging with new Search filter

  • Instock% now available in Despatch Register

  • MYOB NZ Classic compatibility

  • Side-by-side ODBC driver workspaces means AU/MY/NZ can work on same machine as workspaces

  • Minor Bug fixes and Useability updates

  • [OnHolds] Changing Closed to Packed

  • [Replicator] Payment Reconciliation Fails (MY Driver)

  • Deleted referral source causing multiple result in despatch register view

  • [EDI adapter (bunnings/Anaconda)] - spot rate not defaulted to 1 on import

  • Weight rounding issues in Carrier Adaptor

  • Address parsing from ShipDoc in Carrier Adaptor needs tuning

  • The price value in Sale Order line item was reduced by 0.002 when user pressed Enter after entering the price

  • [Adjustments] Unable to determine Historic Post or Modified Adjustment

  • [Transfer] Cancel Transfer on form not working

  • [WMS Explorer] Search in DateRange Filter preference not consistent

  • InStock % column be added to the despatch register

  • Transfer import in WMS (as paste from clipboard)

  • Add a filter to sales reports for Approved sale

  • [Replicator] MYOB NZ compatibility (plus sidebyside ODBC workspaces)

  • Schema manager update to add new field for transfer

  • [Locks] Added Logging to Status reporter to show Source Transaction Detail

  • [Sales] Additional logging and blocking added if NEGATIVE line quantity found (ISTOCK ONLY) and Exchange/Return not enabled

  • [Prefs] Change of Preferences now logged against Username

  • [Audit] Change of Priority/Approval from WMS Explorer now logs username.

  • [WMS Explorer] Right Click Set Referral Source with Multi-Select

  • [Status Reported] Added new description FILTER option in Status Reporter

  • [Schema] Schema Release 219

  • [Database Patch] vLBL_LineItemByLocation Update to SQL and Addition to Access DB with new pick order form

9.1.145 Released 20/05/2016

  • Improved Serial# performance and workflow

  • Carrier Adaptor enhancement

  • Minor Bug fixes and Usability updates

  • Base Currency symbol doesn't match sale entry window total field symbol

  • Scan count flow creating unnecessary alert message

  • [Checkin] Performance Issue - Recording takes over 10 minutes

  • [Transfer] Barcode Scanner not being recognised

  • [Sales] Overflow due to base currency type

  • [Sales] Entry of large unit price seems to left align and hide value

  • Update to Carrier Adaptor to support StarTrack DIN ver 9

  • [Transfer] Manual Selection allows multiple Batch-Serial Number selection

  • [Replicator] New REPLICATE_PAYMENT commandline option

  • [Pick] Import of XML PICK requires only SO#

9.1.144 Released 29/03/2016

  • Major feature update for MULTIPLE UOM specifically for Tiling&Flooring/Food&Bev Handling

  • General dbschema updates and performance enhancements

  • Paid feature releases

  • Minor Bug fixes and Usability updates

  • "Allow Scaling of BOM Recipe Quantity" doesn't work when you create WO from Sales order

  • [Stock Reconciliation Report and function] - Includes the received function in MYOB in the case user has not followed strict instruction not to use the feature

  • vMYR_MonthYear.YearMonth view only content upto 2015

  • [Script Point] Certain Script points raise msscript control not initialised error

  • Sales Forecasting import produces error

  • [Remote Sales] Must log Audit Error - archive path or folder d oes not exist

  • Item scan in sale entry window only works if barcode in UDF#1

  • Jump to item and double clicking on detail view not working correctly

  • Address in Pack Order Screen does not correctly mapped from Remote Sales - Magento

  • Receive Register Not Displaying Promise Date on Closed Transfer

  • [Schema Update] - Change Connote Storage field to NVARCHAR

  • Workorder locations:- add preference to Always prompt for Location on create linked Orders

  • [Customer price level] Ability t o import these to assist in go lives and major price structure changes for existing sites

  • MPAK - BOM Import Log request: BOM Import to differentiate "FAIL" when the item that does not exist is the ingredient or the finished product

  • [UOM] Multiple UOM Dimension Editor

  • Assembly Transactions: selection printing

  • [Reports] Stock History report

  • [Pick] New Pick Methods based on BIN number (ASC or DESC)

  • [WorkOrders] RTP/NSA can change build location

  • [Sales Order] Paste from Clipboard

  • [Schema] CardComments added to Schema for contact events

9.1.143 Released 14/01/2016

  • General dbschema updates and pick engine performance enhancements

  • Paid feature updates

  • Minor Bug fixes and Useability updates

  • [Remote Sales] Orders not moving from import folder to processed folder

  • [Sales view outdated] - View loaded in SQL successfully but not in WMS - no logs available

  • Scan Count allow you to count more than on the order without warning

  • PO - search "Match comment" not working

  • Pressing Enter does not show address

  • WMS prompts to “Ignore” these zero amounts. I select “Ignore All” but it doesn't ignore and keep the line with qty 1

  • ome of the pos sale has zero price line on the sale

  • [Script Point] CPick Script User object not initialised

  • [Schema] MRP_ComponentForecast not dividing by BaseQuantity

  • [Remote Sales] Returns can not be Received

  • Create new customer in WMS Sales Screen bug

  • Table name change for CSV import

  • [Assemblies] New field for BuildDate to be added to schema

  • Rounding on Imported sales script --PAID JOB--

  • Assembly Transactions: selection printing

  • [Schema] New Views for Scope Portal Quantity Break 1 Price Level Selling Inc / Exc

  • [Schema] New vQTR_QuoteRegister

  • [Schema] New Identifier View (PoH) and reports resource

  • [Preference] add new preference in Sales history for fractional qty - JED Wines

  • [Schema] Update for Scope Item List Grids to enable status pill

  • Allow usage of formula field in ALL Registers

  • [Schema] Chat and User field extensions to support Groups

  • [Schema] New LineItem field DeltaQty to hold stock shortfall from last pick

  • [Schema] New View to show Total Open Item Qty Receivables without Promise Date

  • [Schema] Warehouse Statistics PickedTime and PickedBy fields

  • [Schema] eBay Listing Manager Views

  • [Pick Engine] On Pick/Split Pick always move shortfall to new LIT_DeltaQty field

  • [Pick Engine] New Field to indicate Original Order Line Quantity

  • Additional fields for Despatch detail

  • [Schema] Performance UpdatePickStatus

  • Addition of job note column in pick screen and user preference for it

  • [Preferences] Move Purge function from File Menu to Preferences

  • [Stock Pack] Scan COUNT review and CHECK workflow addition

  • [Repllicator] New Script Point ON_PARSESALEORDER

  • Need more custom fields in Datapel

9.1.141 Released 13/11/2015

  • BREEZE API COMPONENTS REMOVED from Installer (separate installer will be made available ASAP)

  • Fractional items shows multiplied view in Qty breaks in WMS but does not affect calculation

  • [Remote Sale XML Payments] Payments not working when Multi-payment mode selected in WMS

  • [Sales] Removed Job Code or 0 myob index cause sale open to fail

  • [Sales] 100% discount shows BaseSell - must show Unit Price at time of sale entry

  • [Sales] Error Logged Currency Symbol not found for customers not using FX

  • [Sales] Allow Zero Quantity SaleLines to be Loaded from Quote Template

  • [Status] Added new STAGED status to Despatch Register (Only available when using the wms console Staging module)

9.1.140 Released 26/8/2015

  • Backordered saleline retains BO information after change of item number

  • [Schema] New Fields for Zone and Breeze Workflow Apps

  • Additional Scan functionality within the full dispatch screen

  • [Card Search] New Sidebar Option - More Details...

  • [Performance] Card Legend load time improved

  • [Zone Pick] Staging Order Workflow

  • [Remote XML Sales] Shipping TaxCode always defaults to GST

  • [SPS] Using Multi Select Item picker does not work for Forced Fractional codes

  • [Remote Sale XML Payments] Payments not working when Multi-payment mode selected in WMS

  • [Reconcile Paid Invoices] - step 10 fails when no closed sales are readable in the WMS

  • Quotes in WMS (huge and unworkable lists of quotes can be hidden in the sales register with a tick box or preference)

  • [user management security] - restrict access to pick,pack,ship and CTRL E shortcuts

  • IFS fails transactions if the package type is incorrect

  • IFS add Package type from new field not old Package name field

  • New user permission on Picking screen - Mavisko HQ

  • New function to limit search to certain time

  • Sale Auto import doesn't work with Multi work-space Breeze API environment

9.1.139 Released 8/6/2015

  • [Chatter] Extended to support Task Lists

  • [Pack] New Prefs.xml for Default Carton and Palet

  • [Receive And Allocate] Multi-Receive highlights Slow Receive and Allocate

  • Promise Date Overdue sales should be highlighted

  • [Assemblies] There is no link from assembly back to original BLS_ID

  • [WMS BoM Setup] no line number is stored and so you cannot keep original entry order on Assembly forms or assembly entries

  • If zero result when back calculated due to 100% discount you just place Base sell

  • [Item Details - Location Tab] - Times out for some items which have many stock records

  • Cant update Capcity deatils more than Once

  • WMS using lowest SPS discount instead of highest

  • [Workorder Form] Add actual desciption (new DB field)

  • [Assembly] - Should be able to set to any number in BoM or Total value for the item but when you enter 1 per BoM it only equates to 16

  • [Carrier Adapter] Imported sale does not record "Deliver To:" field

  • [Pricing] Pricing is not matched to customers price level

9.1.138 Released 14/5/2015

  • [Returns] sometimes create duplicate lines when created

  • Duplications on forms caused by duplicate PAW table entries

  • [Cancelled Returns] - delete themself after viewing

  • Proforma Invoice attached to email even when Sales is already tagged as shipped

  • [Payment Methods] in Datapos you should not be able to see or select methods that are inactive in MYOB

  • [Returns] Linked returns created from Datapos or normal sales where original sale has an inventory item of - sale amount looks okay in Datapel but MYOB receives all lines as positives

  • [SPS] Various Usability Issues

  • [EDI Sales] EDI sales Order default focus to ship to - and can be changed accidently

  • [WMS Explorer] Components and Assemblies View filter not working

  • In Transit QTY error - [vOTL_OpenTransferLines] field PLN_QuantityReceived is in QTY where as PLN_Quantity is in units

  • Payments in foreign currency

  • [Remote Sales] Missing TaxRate and TaxCode tag breaks line price import

  • [Stock Movement Report] Remove CreateEmptyStockHistory

  • [Item Register View] - Requires patch to vILL to hide non inventory stock Qtys

  • [Check In] Sets lot number to zero for Batch Tracked / inventoried items - should be Lot 1

  • [ODBC SDK] Malaysia Connection fails Itemsale import after GST enabled

  • [PriceLevels] PriceLevel resets to MYOB Card if range outside PLA-PLF

  • [vbalExplorerbar] Runtime Error Object does not exist

  • LOCATE CUSTOMER AND SUPPLIERS “Inprogress” and “Unpaid Invoiced” figures to display the currency symbols

  • [Remote Services] Tab on Card Legend not updating Remote Username and Password

  • [In Transit] New column in analyse tab - item list register

  • [WMS SPS] - Please include Item description as as export import field

  • CTRL-B behaviour different on Assembly register to other registers

  • Disable user access to location except for transfers

  • extra search filter in Sales register *Sales Comment

  • [Sales Order] Last Price Paid from POPUP MENU

  • Pricing Import - Usability issues

  • [Reports] Upgrade the Historic Count Report [WMS Explorer] Company Chatter Sidebar

  • Can't update the sale when ship not has ~

  • Default Pallets and Cartons on Packing screen to blank (0)Add new Tag in Sale XML import

  • [Remote Sales] TaxCode and Rate must link to ITEM CODE or CUSTOMER for DISCOUNT and SURCHARGE

  • [Cubic Calculator] Option to switch UOM and other Usability Issues

9.1.137 Released 31/3/2015

  • On hold qty is not updating under item Analysis just for WO

  • Order inquiry button in the bottom of customer search window is not working

  • [BoM exports] - refine export to active only

  • [SPS] Various Usability Issues

  • [Sales Order] Wrong Currency Symbol

  • Import file linked to inactive card when there are two card with same name and one card is inactive

  • [Payment History] Usability Issues

  • [In Transit] New column in analyse tab - item list register

  • SPS to indicate disabled price levels (highlighted in red)

  • [Bins] New Zone Property

  • [Cubic Calculator] - You cant see on screen what was added was a "PALLET1" , BoxTypeA etc

  • [New View] New Stock OnHand at AnyTime by Location

9.1.134 - Released 14/3/2015

  • [PriceLevels] WMS Managed PriceLevels not accepting Zero Dollars

  • [Sales - Code Pasting] Pasting item code into Sale Item code box fails to select correct item

  • [Alert Invoices] - Fail to close due to Special Hidden Chars in Address Box

  • [Sales\Exchanges option] - Exchanges in inventoried stock credits are not blocked during editing as they are during initial sales entry

  • [Sales\Returns] When Tax Rate is <> 10% SAL_Tax GST = 0 should be calculated

  • [JOB CODES] Replication times out due to too many records error

  • [Reports] Slow Stock Movement report load time

  • [Returns] allow entry into existing lines on linked return

  • [Item List Register] - large stock value on hand causes on shelf to be zero

  • [Tax Rounding] When Tax Rounding set to method 2 (N-T rounding) WMS calculates tax incorrectly by 1 cent

  • [Item List register - Allocated] - does not switch from Units to QTY with tools, prefs, Unit viewing preference (always Shows QTY)

  • [packing information] - address decoder not running on import of EDI

  • Add blind returns and GST to Sales Reconciliation report

  • [Batch Management] Create Date field - allow it to be manually edited

  • manage stock group the ability to edit stock record initial receipt base cost

  • [PriceLevels] Useability links to Add Level and Remove Level

  • Currency symbol in WMS Sales entry screen

  • [IFS Adapter] Ability to send Weights and Dims per Article

  • [Quick Scan] Batch Tracked Stock Group will prompt for Quantity

  • [Performance] Pick Engine Speed Improvement

  • [Dimension Editor] Enhancement to Dimension editor for additional custom Unit of Measure

9.1.131 - Released 23/1/2015

This update is required for all Tax Inclusive users.

  • [Price Levels] higher than F failing to show on sales entry and defaulting to Base Sell on the screen but uses correct price level

  • [FX Sales] - After closing sale to MYOB when exchange rate has changed not all fields are updated

  • [Sale it em scanning] - produces wrong item

  • [Returns - Inc Mode Pricing] - incorrect after saving on initial save

  • Default Build Qty on import if qty = 0 then default to 1 UNIT

  • [Payments Reconciled] Invoices not paid in MYOB are marked as paid on replication.

  • [BoM Imports] - should not allow 0 build QTY

9.1.130 - Released 9/1/2015

  • [WMS BoM setup] - BoM header QTY always divides by UoM Qty.

  • Deleting a kit problematic

  • Able to save adjustments with no batch number or ~ stock missing from registers or being able to be picked

  • [WMS SPS] - unable to save decimal places in manual sps entry

  • Item details > Location Tab crashes -WMS

  • After replicate split orders change to closed but line breaks with un-reconsiled line

  • Apply volume discount after SPS not working in POS

  • [Runtime Error] Purchasing/Reorder module throws Runtime Errors

  • [Sales Entry] Paste in exact item code and press enter, results on line are odd and code missing

  • Help menu, remote support is redundant - replace with latest link.

  • Unit price changed once you save the sale - rounding

  • BOM Import rounding up fractional items

  • Stock lookup assistant is not working under for *Show All... location

  • [Reports] stock list error fails to load when location selected

  • [Stock History] - Due to new optimisation of historic records history form load is slower, x or escape should exit mid loading

  • SPS half percent discounts can not be entered but can be imported

  • Receiver information for transfer when you split order not carried over

  • Bill of Material update importing - should allow multiples

  • FEATURE [WMS Explorer] Grouping to be maintained after modal form closes

  • FEATURE [WMS Explorer] Bookmark View in register

  • New Script Point on email of attacments

  • [Security] Improved security limit on SaleOrder and Item Costs

  • [WMS Explorer] Support for Referral Source Search in Sales and Despatch Register

  • [Adjustment screen load Performance] Speed Optimisation for hide zero option

  • Unable to release negative pick

9.1.128 - Released 14/11/2014

  • Show history function time out caused no history to be shown

  • Return recognize wrong item price because Special pricing was ignored for - sale QTYs

  • [Returns] - no receival record created and strange clone activity

  • Freight Refund Amount not saving (Tax Incl/Excl Mode issue)

  • [DataPOS] Strange Price Change depending on Customer Lookup method

  • [Locks] New Process lock required on Remote Sales Import

  • [Picking Engine] - NEW method pick from smallest quantity batch, no split pick.

  • [Remote Sales] Enhance to Support Exchanges and Return Authority Creation

  • [Remote Sales] IMPORT_SALES file path override

9.1.127 - Released 4/11/2014

  • [Card Legend] New Cards becoming unlinked to sales

  • [Optimisation] Performance degrades when too many historic Serial and Batch Numbers

9.1.125 - Released 24/10/2014

  • [DATAPOS] Scanning barcodes in WMS and Item price blank

  • [DATAPOS] Card Name box auto selects and commits card prior to exiting or pressing enter

  • [DATAPOS] Referral Source box usage interferes with Item scanning

  • [Assembly] Sent to MYOB but not marked with green tick

  • [Packing Information] - Receiver information not record on first save on manually entered Sale

  • [Remote Sales] Address records incorrect format when assigned by WMS during import instead of XML file

  • [WMS BoM] BoM no longer store MYOBItemID

  • [DATAPOS] Default shipping causing problems

  • [Remote Sales TXT/CSV] Invoice lines being mixed up after import

  • [REPORTING] All supplier customlist group show Customer CLgroup instead of Supplier CLgroup

  • [PAYMENTS] Overnight payment processing failure

  • [Box View] Required for EDI responses

  • [DATAPOS] see payment term in POS

  • [DataPOS] always show the details address pane

9.1.124 - Released 11/10/2014

  • Forecast module changes

  • [Assembly] Sent to MYOB but not marked with green tick

  • [UDFs] Performance Export UDFS

  • Scan Packing into Boxes

  • Ability to use "&" for search customers

  • [QuickDespatch] WorkOrder Quick Build and Receive Barcode

9.1.123 - Released 4/9/2014

  • Criteria form odd - dates upsidedown - frm_SalesVariance.rpt Reports, sales, sales saummary price variance

  • Datapos - last PO # is copied to new sale entry form - please set back to std "POS"

  • [DB Patch] - Allow larger number holdings in the WMS Registers

  • [DATAPOS] Missing object on script point, please pass same as per std sale record.

  • [Sales] Stock OnHand calculation SQL error

  • [UDFs] Extend UDFS from 1 - 8 to 1 - 24

9.1.122 - Released 22/8/2014

  • Imported sales do not have AUD set as default currency

  • Blind return Discount % field does not calculate nor save the figure when you Recode RA for the 1st time

  • [Software Activation] Online FreshBooks activation fails to validate customer

  • Multi Workspace Printing issue - reopening Adjustment from history report fails

  • Stock history report not working if % (percent) sign in Item number/name

  • [Returns] sometimes create duplicate lines when created

  • [Returns] tax rounding should be the same as sales

  • [Incorrect details sent to Startrack] Occurs when two adapters for startrack are setup

  • A/R balance in is negative but always shows as positive in WMS

  • unable to auto pick with new pre picking allocation method on

  • RPT_SalesShipList - shows bogus customer name for transfer orders

  • Slow Sale loading for those users who use available QTY in sale entry form with Allocation mode on

  • Adjustment cant send to MYOB Overflow error where adjusted QTY = 0

  • An adjustment won't go through to MYOB because of WMS inactive item on the list

  • Stock aging report very slow

  • SLL_BOPriceExc only stores whole numbers

  • SKH_TransactionID not posted when an ADJ_ID posts to stock history

  • unable to invoice sale with only one line of inventory that has 0 QTY

  • Can't unpack or Unpick order with 1 line that has 0 QTY

  • Returns show on closed date report before they are closed

  • vQVS does not take into account customer date when reporting on closed sales

  • [On Sale Record - Script] does not run on conversion of quote to sale

  • [Sales Reconciliation Report] - Does not connect to Malaysian MYOB file

  • Speed increases - Indexing

  • Stock Reconciliation not working when Buy UoM is different to Sell UoM

  • Replication Fails due to Creation of new cards in WMS containing additional address lines 3 or 6

  • Systems allows creation of duplicate PAW_ records

  • [New Cards - WMS] - ALerts of duplicate card even when no duplicate

  • Neg sale for non inventory is asking for allocation

  • Despatch register shows transfer/Checkout Pick List creation Date - should show order date field

  • [DataPOS] Update Printing features same as normal Sale Options

  • User Privileges copy from list sort alphaNum

  • [Remote Sales and EDI] - New DB fields and population of fields

  • Remote Sales Price Variance - new report

  • Credits do not check hold and over limit - corrected need to turn on prefs

  • [Sales] Allocate figure deducted from Available Calculation to show in sales entry form.

  • Bunnings EDI conflict - have to have a way to turn off fineline substitution for one customer but not another

  • Characters disallow for Invoice number things like ! . , or any single char

  • [Sales Form] When opening a sale where the custom form has been selected it defaults back to the default sales form

  • Speed Issue to Open Transfer

9.1.121 - Released 30/6/2014

Allocate Order Feature Release.

  • Price not updated - tax inc mode - during split pick workflow

  • Performance issue - opening pick screen and others affects on large bin users

  • SPS and Price Level - could not use sps and price level separately in new WMS SPS and Price level mode

  • Price level drop down viewable but not selectable for existing cards when prefs.xml use price level WMS is True

  • [Stock Legend] General Useability for Location Combo

  • [Core WMS] Order Allocation Workflow

  • [WMS Explorer] Filter by User extension

  • [Stock ReOrder] feature - Paste from Clipboard

  • Job codes not save properly - clear a job code on first record records the previosu lines job code.

  • WMS uses wrong flag in status report when create PO request

  • New BoM setup - did not allow use of items that were not marked as I Sell

  • Orders importing as quotes - when imported via scheduled task

  • Could not set SPS for ALL CUSTOMERS card

  • Pivot Report link error reports pointed to report names incorrectly

  • Backorders, all line details are not rewritten to Sale line - now copies over edi#ofpackage field.

  • Hard to edit new SPS - cannot sort by item number in edit screen

  • Close check outs via sched task

  • When do a return authority from closed sale, it doesn’t retain original sale line description

  • Scripting point on edit grid value in sales order

  • Stock Turn Report was running in QTY mode

9.1.117 - Released 2/5/2014

This release officially supports WMS managed Special Pricing and PriceLeves creation/edit import/export.

Other top feature enhancements include:

  • New Report options for Stock Aging and Sales By CustomList

  • Optional replication stage for MYOB Invoice Payment Status - with associated Customer Statement Report.

  • Enhanced Card Legend view with new options to enable future customer self-service portal

  • EDI enhancements to support Harvey Norman and Invoice Revisions

  • Forced Fractional Items - setting changes and On hand checks

  • when paid sale use to create RA, paid today filed should not carry over, should set to zero

  • Box bar-code not recognize in the packing screen packing scanning

  • discount field below GST amount on sale order screen,if previous Sales Order has 2% being entered, the subsequent sales order will automatically fill 2 in the field

  • [Datapos] - kit price excl records as tax free but also deducts tax again

  • Quick Receive function for Transfers created duplicate Receive order

  • Con Note not being included on forms when printed from Shipping screen

  • [Transfers] - do not allow the use of the inactive and closed button

  • [In Transit] View also contain inactive and closed transfers

  • Credits should be set 'To be emailed' when sent to MYOB

  • Cannot import sales order txt file when there is a works order.xml in the remote sales import folder

  • [Reorder] does not reorder up to 0 if stock committed > on shelf - when min stock holding = 0

  • [Returns] Price wiped on click into unit price.

  • WO received and allocation function and order status - status says packed but is not shippable

  • [Pick] Speed of Split order function

  • [Advanced Transfer] - unable to use LOT or BATCH filters

  • [EDI] Original Barcode and Line note use same field - Extended Line Notes - now separate by | (bar)

  • [SPS] - cannot load SPS from MYOB when base currency is not AUD

  • Changes to customer price levels

  • [Reporting] Unable to report on Quotes View corrected - not all sites affected

  • [Reporting] incorrect view creates incorrect calculation of assembly component sales QTY in reports

  • Cancelled sales Payments replicate to MYOB

  • [Reports] - AssemblyByItem and Assembly Custom Reports - corrected for UoM usage and revamped

  • Incorrect grouping of state in iQ - new view contain UCASE resolution

  • Despatch register shows transfer/Checkout Pick List creation Date - should show order date field

  • [Sales Forecast] UI issues after month filter update

  • [DataPOS] Single Payments not posting with POS Sale

  • [Sales] Open Inclusive Sale update to new Exclusive Sale invalidates price.


  • [SPS] Fully Integrated Special Pricing Module

  • Control F, look-up customer, to show their price level

  • [Price Levels] Price Break and Levels to be managed by WMS Directly

  • Status under Detail Tab in Transfers

  • TSV/CSV import allow creation of sales even if INVOICE number is blank

  • Edit Closed Order promise date

  • Stock Lookup Assistant indication of inventory or non inventory status

  • Pricing of 0 quantity line to be populated for remote sales import

  • Allow saving (with changes made) for sale with 0 quantity line item EDI orders

  • Add EDI version in sale register

  • Duplicate reference number warning for transfers and checkouts

  • Hide inactive Customer/Supplier cards in Lookup assistant.

  • Additional fields to check for purchase header changes during replication

  • [MYOB Payment Status] Add new replication step to obtain OutstandingBalance

  • Scripting points during import of remote sales, on before, on after

  • Paid date to be added to closed sales.

  • [Contact Management] Enable additional Card Properties on WMS UI

  • [Receiving Register] Add shortcut link into receiving shortcuts "Create Purchase Order"

  • [Reports] New Stock Aging Report

  • [Reports] New Sales Menu Option BY List (CustomList)

  • [New Report] - Account Summary

9.1.114 - Released 4/3/2014

  • [WorkOrders] Progressive Receive - support UOM

  • [Item List Register - NettAvail] Calculation errors due to UOM

  • [Speed optimisation] for large item lists and large job code lists, opening sales and aseemblies.

  • [Assemblies] progressive receive mode - edit Assem flow when closed

  • [Assemblies] Allow edit built QTY on closedworkorder (if not sent to MYOB)

  • In transit figure incorrect due to UoM issue in view

  • [WorkOrders] Creating of Bill Of Materials can now be set up direct in WMS only - detached from MYOB

  • [Stock Request] User entered purchase price not maintained

  • [Stock Legend] Committed does not incorporate WO committment

  • [XML Sale Import] Support for Alternate SKU using HOSKU as Host SKU

  • [Pick] New Pick Methods FEXFO ASC then ASC and DESC Batch Number

  • [Sales] Allowing of Negative Inventory Sales direct on Sales Entry Form

  • [Stock Legend] Enable CustomList Filters on Simple View

  • [Preferences] Optimised Loading Speed

9.1.112 - Released 15/1/2014

  • [frmStockCount] Add new line in count entry form but it does not save.

  • [frmStockCount] Stock Count - After enter tag number doesn't automatically add a new line after press enter

  • failure to drill to source when (SLL_PriceExc or SLL_PriceInc)/SLL_Quantity > approx(220,000)

  • Rounding issue on Datapos multipayment

  • Form Stock Receive not displaying imported comments

  • Sales summary by Product failed to load if a specific supplier was selected

  • Default fields on sales only use bill to card - should use ship card (ship method,salesperson etc)

  • [Combine Orders] Forward Date Filter removed when selected orders only is chosen.

  • [PO request form] Unit issue - shows incorrect UoM on reopening existing Request

  • [VIEW CHANGE] vBAR_BillingAddressList - should filter out addresses where card is no longer active

  • [Returns] cannot add positive line as it doesn't import into MYOB with Price.

  • Comment lines not asking for QTY during sale creation (will now retain comment lines \c even if zero)

  • [Returns] Tax amount is negative for postive items on returns when sent to MYOB

  • [Supplier Reorder] Fails to use the Suppliers tax code when use tax code is set to true on the card file in MYOB

  • Purchase reports Fail to load (load blank when you select split or open options)

  • [view - analyse with Excel] - is cut off at the first single quote found.

  • Sale line costs are not updated if user changed line item

  • System should Lock ''adjustment by'' drop-down list

  • Need to be able to edit transfer item line descriptions

  • [Returns] Ability to add extra lines (non-inventory items)

  • [Returns] Return created from CLOSED sales should allow non inventory lines to be added

  • [Reports] New crystal report forms in item register, Item Number and Item Batch

  • [Stock Count Manager] Allow the Count Folder to be a Workspace.XML setting

  • MYOB Singapore Compatibility

  • [Cancelling] Zeroing Transfer Lines now accepted (must contain as least one positive line - even if a non inventory item)

  • [POS] Negative inventory item Sale Lines to allow for product exchanges

  • [SPS] Special Pricing Schedule Manager (ReadOnly- New feature development - reporting and testing purposes - not currently in use)

  • [UDFX] Extended UDF for CMS (New feature development - currently not in use)

9.1.111 - Partial update only Released 13/11/2013

  • Quick print workorder advice corrected

  • [Replicator] Value of 1.#INF returned by MYOB ODBC causes update of PLN to fail

  • [SALE] Issue with "Payment Due" reference

    9.1.110 - Released 12/11/2013

  • Loc on PO not updating for existing purchases during replication even maint reps

  • Large rounding lines on sales

  • WMS reorder address in MYOB

  • [Sales Form] Imported Comment line has "hidden" characters fails invoicing with ALERT

  • Scan picking error - Max count reached after first scan for batched items.

  • [Return] Failing all lines returned with positive quantities

  • [User Management] Hide Users feature causes all customers to be hidden

  • [Performance] New Prefs.XML tag to raise WMS priority True

9.1.108 - Released 31/10/2013

  • KIT stores wrong pricing when price is entered manually into a kit component line.

  • Credits - import positives as Zero to MYOB

  • ALL Employees show up in Salesperson List - filtered to now show unhidden users.

  • Remote Sales - import with SAL_ReferralSourceID as 0 should be -1

  • Custom sales item search filter crashes Report - corrected

  • [Import Remote XML Sales] - fails to use item code tax

  • [Stock Sale] Salesperson cache is not cleared on second sale entry - now clears.

  • Scan packing multiple line of the same item - sales line duplicate resolved - LIT not resolved yet

  • [Replicator] On Closing CheckOut converted Sale Stock Records appear SOH incorrect

  • Unable to combine two RTP prder from the same location Due to Promised Dates > todays date - updated for selected orders option only

  • [Count] Quick Despatch Count and Error response now supports WAV file for improved audio feedback

  • [Quick Despatch] Box Number Scan Workflow

9.1.107 - Released 2/10/2013

  • [REMOTE SALES] If ship to card record ID is not found when comparing to tax id etc it puts weird address into bill to address field

  • ship method should always UCASE after import of remote sales

  • Purchase order JOB code failed during Replication issue

  • Unable to record expiry dates on assemblies

  • [Replicator] Sale SpotRate of 0 causes UpdateCosts to fail

  • New Feature - auto fulfill workorders in one click

  • Allow bulk removal of 0 qty items once the invoice or quote is processed.

  • Show EXPIRY COLUMN in PICK and PACK screen

  • [Scripting] Close Sale Scripting Point failed for CreditReturns

  • [WorkOrders] Add Scripting Point to Auto Receive WorkOrder

9.1.106 - Released 11/9/2013

  • [Remote Sales] Shipping method tag when blank/incorrect/unmatched is blank only - should revert to manual sale entry defaults

  • [Assemblies] componentry pricing ....Workorders as..check flow through of costs to STD cost where others are zero

  • [Remote Sales] - Does not import when populated in XML sale import file - corrected

  • [Customer Legend] Double opening of Customer / Stock Legend from WMS Explorer - now blocked

  • [Remote Sales] MYOB/TXT sale imports allowed figures to be recorded in the freight field, these are sent into MYOB when invoices closed

  • [EDI and Remote Sales] EDI + XML Import - accept barcodes from extended barcode list in addition to to the std selected barocde field

  • [Quick Scan] Qty based barcode in quick scan picking

  • [Barcode Scan] New Shortcut for Manual Quick Despatch - for use if barcode broken or scanner unavailable

  • [REMOTE SALES] - ability to import with tax exclusive pricing

9.1.105 - Released 29/8/2013

  • Desassemble workorders - fails to close when matching batch is not found

  • Manual Pick Fails to complete when LineTag contains single quote

  • [Receiving] ticked expiry date but not updating in items

  • [Replicator] - Rounding issue on sales \c is overstated

  • Update Database View vOOL_OpenPurchaseLines - to eliminate duplication of Min/Max when sales are found in NSA and RTP status

  • [Pick Screen] - Sometimes Item name in grid is repeating the first item Name

  • [Customer Legend] Suppliers show as Customer in the label Customer is

  • Ability to add New Customers in Datapos

  • Lock function in DataPOS - could not be used due to user lock issue

  • [WaaS] Datapull service crashes when export files in use

  • Datapull - when posting to file save as .part or similar to stop other software collecting partly loaded files

  • Incorrect Discount % for XML import where Sale price is set by host are /100

  • Customer Date check box shouldn’t clone with order

  • [Adjustments] Batch Serials not refreshed on STF load causes grid populate issues

  • Tax code handling in XML import - allow setting to be calculated by WMS

  • Remove refresh button from multi barcode screen

  • Warn in PO all location card

  • Add edit dimentions to POS screen

  • [Purchasing] New Workflow for Request Orders

  • [Stock Count] Count form enhancements - When committing an count event if any count records are in the STF then the count manager automatically loads the Adjustment form

9.1.104 - Released 25/7/2013

  • Stock count Module Issues - minor adjustments

  • KitPriceExc records as PriceInc - Critical fix for Tax Inclusive/KIT users

  • [Stock Adjustment] Right Click show item details not working

  • [Stock Legend] Adding a new item code via background refresh does not show in stock lookup

  • [Stock Adjustment] Batch tracked items on line end should move to batch column Not count

  • reorder module - items without minimums set do not use 0 minimum so they are not shown on minimum QTY reorder option

  • Attachment drag fails in receiving register

  • Reorder Module - Min Max Reorder Qty Duplicated

  • Analyse inventory report - UoM issue

  • Focus lost in list builder - corrected

  • In Transit Transfer entry links to multiple Receive Orders / InTransit Qty Error

  • [Replicator] Purchase Order number with trailing space fails to confirm after invoice

  • wms allow to put more characters in card Identifier than myob allow which break replication

  • View Change Requirement - vPPF_PurchaseOrderProforma - better location checking for purchase orders

  • [DataPOS] Salelines disappear after recording payment

  • [Attachments] Focus Change causes Popup Menu Add option to disappear

  • [Pack Stock] Use Cubic Calculator and Quick Ship does not update Cube and Deadweight

  • [Stock Adjustment] down and up arrow to work for all edit fields

  • [UDF Import] Single Field Mode - now matches via column header name not placement

  • Updated RA line description does not transfer to MYOB - corrected

  • [XML Import] WorkOrders Import via XML

  • NEW Bill To / Bill To option for sales and despatch register

  • [Item Register] New Column for Nett AvailableFeature (shelf+PO+WIP-committed)

  • [Barcodes] Print Labels now supported from Assembly Register

  • NEW Scripting point in Sales selection of customer - cboCustomer_Validate

9.1.102 - Released 25/6/2013

  • Datapos now supports auto pick,pack,ship options

  • Datapos now supports Multi-payment option

  • Multi Payments now post to MYOB on Invoicing or as Batch task with overnight invoicing task (all past closed sales are checked historically when using the overnight task)

  • Datapos now supports Default Customer User/System Preference

  • Datapos addition of the PARK SALE function

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