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WMS 8.1 Series Update Release Notes
WMS 8.1 Series Update Release Notes

Updating Release Notes with WMS 8.1

Updated over a week ago

Release 8.1.143

  • [DataPOS] Scan a kit does not initialise correctly

  • [DataPOS] Unable to Open Till via Special Codes

  • [DataPOS] Change Dialog closes before the Cash Draw Opens

  • Email preferences addition - bill to/bill to

  • [Sales Form] Comment line has "hidden" characters fails invoicing with ALERT

  • [Core Inventory] Close Date to reflect Invoiced Date

  • [DataPOS] Multiple Sales Holding or Sale Parking

  • [WMS Explorer] Move Stock Adjustment from action menu to Tools menu

  • [License Manager] Automation of License Manager

  • [Import Forecast] Add new function to import sale forecast

  • User can select the customer date for invoicing but does not show on reports

  • The pref in tools, inventory, option, use default bin then pick method should also carry through to the assembly register

  • [Sales Form] New Dimension Editor Popup for Quantity

  • [Barcodes] Implement Code128 Fonts a TTF to improve printer compatibility

Release 8.1.139

  • Imported orders imported with %

  • [Security] Item Cost Restriction not compliant in Stock Purchase ReOrder

Release 8.1.136

  • [frmStockCount] Stock count Module Issues - From Track 814

  • [frmStockCount] Add new line in count entry and it doesnt save

Release 8.1.133

  • Forced Inventory > setting MYOB inventoried items to Forced Istock

  • If you import multiple orders in one go bill to one store and SHIP TO more than one store all the orders come in ship to the first customer it finds.

  • [DataPOS] Barcode scan event of PACK QTY defaults to 1

  • Ability Reopened closed order > needs blocking

  • [Import Sales] Require new tags to support Extra charges from website ecommerce systems

  • [FrmStockCount] Stock Count Module > Check for valid user input before progressing

Release 8.1.132

  • [Quick Despatch] Multiple Serial# Scan in Pick/Pack workflow

  • [XML IMPORT] Purchase Request/Order/Check In Import for EDI

  • [DB View] Add new vDSN_DespatchSerialNumbers

  • [Reports] Payments Report extended to support User Sets

  • [DataPOS] Payments view extended and Added Count Takings/Daily Sales Icons

Release 8.1.131

  • [Sales] Sale Entry causes freeze on certain customers

  • Cost Centre issue - Code 171 for multi workspaces

  • [Pick Stock] Must support manual edit of Scanned Serial Numbers

  • [SQL CONNECTION] Require OLEDB support in DESA DataAccess

  • [Explorer] Search Batch Serial number extensions for Line Tag

Release 8.1.130

  • Can't Create RA for Closed Orders

  • Item search in sales window

  • Import errors - Heat Australia - Sale does not load due to overflow error

  • Strategic National - Discounts being imported with the RIC XML files since last update.

  • Import KIT wipe out pricing

  • Tax amount is cleared when you update KIT

  • [Sales] Sgrid2 Runtime error

Release 8.1.127

  • [Sales] Up Down key to select next or previous item gets stuck

  • Reorder module when custom list filters are used. They fail

  • Shipping screen loads blank

  • [Legend] Sort Icon does not reset correctly on refresh

  • [Stock ReOrder] No feedback or progress bar while synchronising

  • [XML IMPORT] Kit Header Import option to suppress

  • Tax Calculation in MYOB and WMS

  • [DataPOS] Escape Key in payment methods causes all forms to close

  • [Explorer] Runtime Errors

  • Pick slip fails to load unless sale is updated after it is imported

  • [Sales] Item Lookup with same Item Name always reverts to lowest index

  • Customer Name with single quote

  • [SPS] Tax Inclusive SPS appears to add 10% twice

  • [Replicator] \c comment following an item sale line has a price not zero$

  • [Sales] Tax Rounding Issue

  • Remote Sales. Salesperson is only referenced by last name and wrong employee is recorded (IMP Australia 8.1.125)[Sales] Item Look up by Item Name in Sales

  • [Sales] New preference to search by Item Name

  • [Stock Legend] Add Available to Grid

  • [Stock Legend] Add Supplier to stock filter

  • [FrmLayoutWizard] In the Barcode Layer Wizard Font Size increase from 48pt to 72 pt.

  • New Sale > Alert with Message if customer is changed after entry of any sale line that Pricing and Tax codes have not been updated.

  • [DataPOS] Barcode scan event to check Extended barcodes

  • [DataPOS] Barcode scan event to check CUSTOMERIDENTIFICATION

  • [DataPOS] KitLines should not show on new sale

  • Unable to drill to source to view in sale entry screen

  • Views added (Outstanding PO's and Unpicked SO's Unioned with promised dates to assist with forecasting)

Release 8.1.125

  • Corrected issue with SPS and Volume Discount.

  • Open an existing sales order now defaults focus to SAVE/Update NOT Customer/Ship To combo.

  • Added Ship Method filter criteria to Receiving Report.

  • Further core updates to improve customer re-selection for EDI and Cloned orders.

  • New PREFS.XML primarily for ICXE but awaiting migration of simple transaction stream interface - to reject transactions with duplicated reference numbers.

Release 8.1.123

  • New Validation code added to block SAVE and UPDATE on sales with customer currency codes not correctly selected in the sale form.

  • New PREFS.XML sale discount limit DiscountLimit to allow greater back calculation accuracy for those clients specifying Line or Unit Total prices. Note that the default is 0.05 and does not require the TAG is set in the preferences XML file.

Release 8.1.122

  • Remote Sales Import via XML using CardRecordID was not handling ShipTo with AddressLine1 and AddressLine2. Now corrected both lines are shown on sale ship to address.

  • New PREFS.XML Kit replication mode SuppressLinePrices recommended only for NON-INVENTORY-MYOB component setups.

  • Added new UnitPriceExc/UnitPriceInc database fields.

  • Rounding Items with Tax Inclusive $49.00 entered as TaxExc. should check item setting if price is tax inc now corrected.

  • Review Kit Import using Alpha-H Examples found mixed tax code problem - line items now inherit the KIT HEADER taxcode.

  • New Preference to allow VOLUME DISCOUNT to be applied after SPS evaluation.

Release 8.1.121

  • Added Column Sort functionality to PICK Stock window to simplify sorting by Item Code and Status or Quantity to pick.

  • Transfer allows sort by Item Number.

  • Added Search for Item Code in Stock Pick form using CTRL+S short cut - will partial match from left to right.

  • Replicator Error Item Not Sold now reports the items without “I Sell” set to true in the log.

  • Replicator now uses [ [square bracket] not ( (round bracket) to delimit the pick id in the MEMO - this was being used in customer names causing issues.

  • Replicator now removes duplicate CARDS with a rule to always remove 'OLDEST' which is 99% the issue of a replicated inprogress card entry in myob.

  • Replicator ignores possible LOCATION CARDS if the CardIdentification = *None

  • Remote Sales now accepts customer default ShipMethod using DEFAULT.

  • Remote Sales now accepts customer default using DEFAULT

  • WMS Explorer now reports {Inactive Card or Press F5 to Refresh} as Press F5 was somewhat confusing if the card exists in MYOB but is inactive.

  • Allow Up Down Arrow on the Discount Fields in Sales Entry Form

  • Adding New Customer Card must check if CardIdentification is UNIQUE and disallow save or update.

  • Purchasing Report Dialogs add SHIPPING METHOD FILTER

  • Transfer Date not defaulting to Now() on new form load

  • frmAdjustStock Issue to correct the LOT# assigned to new stock groups if Batch Tracked (LOT = 1) else assign LOT = 0

  • frmCheckOut performance improvement on initial load BTC_BatchList now loads Location Based >0 Available Serial/Batch Numbers.

  • Transfer Details Update only locked once SHIPPED - previously was PICKED requiring a release of Transfer to modify basic details.

  • See INTERNAL NOTE #842 Unknown Orders SCDS Review Missing Orders and attempt fix.

  • BackOrder Report User Reports not enabled in STDReports.DLL

  • TSV MYOB Import Fails if no default salesperson setup to be corrected must not fail and can allow blank (-1) Salesperson as this is a valid MYOB sale setting. TSV now imports without default and no salesperson assigned on import.

  • Status reporter must log Purchase Order Undo/Delete.

  • Remove
    on XML import of

  • Truncate BackOrdered Line when adding [BACKORDERED] or [OUT-OF-STOCK] comment - checked Splits/WorkOrder Creation.

  • Help System Links now converted to IKM Knowledgebase - salesforce knowledgebase now decommissioned.

  • Analyse Demand/Inventory fails in Access Edition - now corrected - required Schema Manager Update.

  • Replicate Item from Stock Detail (Item Drill Down) clears the Force Fractional option in Settings now corrected.

  • Corrected vATC_Attachments view now links to exact item filename match previously could return duplicates for items with similar numbers.

  • Added new LineCount column to DESPATCH Register and DTAdvanced Inventory.

Release 8.1.119

  • Card Lookup now provides a New Sale Order Link

  • Revised Order inquiry layout to make different from Explorer defaults to Sale Register lookup.

  • Inquiry Order fails under windows 7 - update to revised control.

  • Removed Summary tab from Order Inquiry.

  • New Sale History right click option in Sale Grid links direct to Order Inquiry form.

  • Advanced Stock Lookup now includes option to pick PREVIOUSLY BOUGHT items from selection. (see below)

  • As above except additional option to pick items NOT BOUGHT IN LAST 12 months.

  • Card Lookup now always available from Sales Entry form.

  • Autopass Customer/Item details on Inquiry from Sales Form.

  • Stock Receive and Stock Sales form now respond to Extended Barcodes.

  • User Management Authenticate Method required to interface for DataServer.

  • Add LOST SALES to Sales Comparison Report Dialog use form name RTP_SalesLostCompare.rpt

  • New Item List Register Columns added for APPROVED COMMITTED for SALES/TRANSFERS + WORKORDERS/COMPONENTS using Process STAGE#1

  • Ship to combo shown on Sales Form without customer now blocks sale record with warning.

  • Fixed minor issue with Stop link not reseting on initial Order Inquiry form load.

  • Stock Lookup issue corrected where Kit/BOM component selector was including header item.

  • Sale record warning and error strings revised.

  • Payment tab now disabled on Sale form load if MULTI-PAYMENT option enabled.

  • Receive and Allocate multiple same lines sets status to Part-Packed incorrectly (see CHAIR issue).

  • In Adjustment when specifying a Supplier WITHOUT NCI/SHRINKAGE suppress the auto \shrinkage line addition.

  • WMS CardRecord ID to be seeded greater than 6 digits as it collides with existing CardID's.

  • Add Custom Reports to Sales By Period - Note View still based on SaleDate.

  • ICXE - User Management “same user logged in” message updated.

  • Forced Inventory Items now set Average Cost to 0 in sale form.

  • Added New Sales View for DatapelIQ to allow Shipped Date Analysis.

  • New MRP view for Component Demand Per Month by Required Date.

  • New Report Views as below now incorporated (ACCESS/SQL Server).

Release 8.1.118

  • Minor fix to Assembly Register detail view (Summary) to display as Units

  • Replicate Item fails for Forced Inventory Item Codes now corrected

  • CheckIn for WMS now allows direct entry of ~ (untracked)

  • If Location CardIdentification is *None new location card is IGNORED and Invalid Location Error recorded.

  • Returns will use Terms as specified on the Return Sale was previously using Customer Default.

  • Limit on AddressLine length of 50 characters enforced in Sales Order Entry form.

  • New File→Purge Import Tables option to address broken imports of .TXT files.

  • Customer ShipTo single selection fails with “missing” now corrected.

  • Forced Inventory to Non-Inventory transition now sets Qty OnHand to 0.

  • Create Return Credit from WMS Explorer for FX sending as AUD now corrected.

  • Remapped XML Import EmailAddress field to Sale UDF3

  • Data filters on Sales Compare and By Period Reports now ONE FULL FINANCIAL YEAR short.

  • Item Register WIP not handling Forced Fractional corrected.

  • Added Receive/Create Date to Item Details window.

  • Fixed UOM issue with Sales Forecast Grid Display and XLS Export.

  • Removed Location Filter from Receiving/Purchase Reports as SQL filter and replaced as params below:

Release 8.1.117

  • Minor fix to Assembly Register detail view (Summary) to display as Units

Release 8.1.116

  • Registers now linked to PromiseDate, UDFs and REFERRAL SOURCE fields for Transfer, Sales, and Despatch.

  • Escape Key in Sales now prompts prior to closing for New Sales to avoid lost data entry.

  • Remote Import Sales now defaults to Adaptors path not App.Path for TXT/XML files.

  • Other Tab in Transfers now disables if UDFs not enabled.

  • XML Import functionality extended to support SHIP customer and Location Tag as below:

  • Replicator now attaches Inv# to Error/Warning to improve History Filtering

  • Replicator and SDK optimisation for single invoice posting improvement - removed redundant “Select * FROM Addresses”

Release 8.1.114

  • Scan Check Workflow updated to show total sku lines and order qty per sku on scan.

  • Transfer form updates (BETA) now incorporates NOTES/UDFS/REFERRAL SOURCE - UDFS and REFERRAL not yet linked to Registers.

  • Support Useability Feature

  1. Show History now on SALES FORM replaces disabled Record Quote option.

  2. ALERT prompt to show Status History of selected order.

Release 8.1.112

  • Kit Import now supported by REMOTE XML sales module (limited functionality header price method only).

  • Multiple SPS Groups option extended from ONE Group. Requires Tag in Prefs.xml as below to enable otherwise will maintain backward compatibility.

  • Regional Settings check can now be set to automatically apply day/month/year format overriding local settings.

  • Stock ReOrder form enhancements with SUPPRESS RULES and REORDER to MAX check boxes redesigned to a single drop down.

  • Stock ReOrder Item Lookup now supports ADVANCED search to include multiple items.

  • XML Import now supports master BARCODE and alternate BARCODE checking to match item code.

  • Picker/Packer Assignment Workflow feature with PKL_PackedBy now available in despatch register

  1. CTRL+4 in Despatch Register to Group By Worker.

  2. Quick Despatch now includes the Assign to…

  3. New General Setting to enable a user as a Selectable Worker for Order Allocation.

  4. Option in security to include Approval at the time of Assignment.

  5. Scripting point added as ON_ASSIGNMENT.

  • Transaction ID now added to SKH_StockHistory to assist with look up from Stock Register and reporting.

  • New view vSKH_StockHistory which provides links to relevant transaction IDs (PATCHLEVEL 177).

Release 8.1.110

  • New QUICK SCAN code CHECK allows items to be scanned and verified as being part of the sale order - supports multiple barcodes per item.

  • Stock Session STF import updated to support Unit Of Measure/Fractional import.

Release 8.1.109

  • Stock Manager (Create Purchase Order) can now Create as Transfer from another location. This is used for master WHS REPLENISHMENT workflows.

  • Stock Manager now clears the grid after successful Purchase/Transfer operation and auto refreshes WMS Explorer in the background.

  • Transfer form now supports Advanced Stock Lookup in addition to Transfer Wizard for simple multi-item movements. This also allows BOM components to be selected for Transfer using the +> option.

  • Advanced Stock Count Module now Snapshots Average, Last, and Standard Costs.

  • Added Referral Source to TSV import.

Release 8.1.108

  • Stock Manager now supports Promise/Required by Date in sidebar.

  • New Operator/Salesperson filter added to WMS Explorer and General Preferences.

    • User can select filter option by salesperson or by order entry user

  • Sales Reports now includes DIFOT report.

  • Replicator update to support Purchase Order Promise Date

  • Replicator now logs Replication MODE and User as Security Event (WAS STATUS EVENT).

Release 8.1.107

  • Added new Alternate Barcode feature allowing an item code to be assigned more than one barcode. Each new barcode supports a scan quantity and hence allows support for INNER/OUTER/EAN14 standard support. This update is ONLY available in WMS Item Register and will be extended into Scan Sales/POS/Quick Pick/Pack in a future release.

  • Barcode Import Log file enhancements detailing information of created BARCODES and rejected records. Note Barcodes can be DELETED by having DELETE in the comment import field.

  • REMOTE XML Sale Auto allocation of Invoice Number if the Invoice Number field is BLANK.

  • REMOTE XML Sale Changed Sales person and Ship Method to use LIKE which should be Case Insensitive.

  • REMOTE XML Sale Customer Identification Look up first checks TAXID then CardIdentification.

  • REMOTE XML Sale Terms now attempts a lookup when specified as NET 30 etc.

  • Remote XML Sale and SaleLine property extensions to existing mapping as below:

  • Sale.ShipNote - limit to 200 characters (IMPLEMENTED)

  • Sale.Terms - Text version e.g. Net 30 (IMPLEMENTED)


  • Sale.ReferralSource - mapped to MYOB/WMS referral source descriptions (IMPLEMENTED)

  • Sale.SaleNote - Maps to SALE NOTE (IMPLEMENTED) Sale.Priority - Maps to HIGH, HOLD, LOW or as a number (0-3) (IMPLEMENTED)

  • SaleLine.JobNote - Short free text field for each sale line (IMPLEMENTED)

  • SaleLine.LineNote - limit to 200 characters extended line description (IMPLEMENTED)

  • SaleLine.JobCode - JobCode for Job Profit and Loss reporting (IMPLEMENTED)

  • SaleLine.SalePriceByHost - Set to Y to assign customer prices from WMS the SaleLine.SaleRRP is ignored (NOT IMPLEMENTED)

  • Changed Functionality =====================

  • Sale.Status - currently ignored - now maps as: (IMPLEMENTED - NOT RELEVANT IF REMOTE SALE IMPORT AUTO PICK/PACK is SET) O - default Order A - Allocate (Sale Type must be Order/Invoice) picks and allocates available inventory

  • SaleLine Number can be assigned using the TAG:

  • MRP Database views for Excel Demand Planner. These views are designed for linking direct to EXCEL allowing a user to create Month-by-Month Demand Forecasting spreadsheets that access live data from the WMS DATABASE for Stock OnHand, Committed, WorkOrder Committed, Monthly Forecast information and Monthly Supply information based on Purchase Order Promised Date and WorkOrder Required By Date.


  • Sales Terms not updating reverts to *Customer Default now corrected due to issue with MYOB recreating TERMS ID for same Terms Details.

  • Optimised New Sales form load for large customer lists performance now improved.

  • Additional checking to ensure Item Description is updated when sale lines are edited.

  • WorkOrder WIP (Work In Progress) and OnOrder by Location calculation rule update as below:

  1. WorkOrders show as OnOrder while RTP AND NSA

  2. WIP shows only the QTY of stock PICKED and BUILT.

  3. Once a WorkOrder is CLOSED it will show in the Receive Register and hence shows back OnOrder.

  4. In all cases WORKORDERS show in Analyse OnOrder Item Detail TAB until closed.

Release 8.1.106

  • Import Log file enhancements detailing information of dynamically created BINS and rejected records.

  • Sales Reports and Sales by Period using SHIP TO now includes BILL TO customer if SHIP TO = 0.

Release 8.1.105

  • Pick and Pack forms now allow access from Explorer sidebar and Drill To Despatch from Sales and Transfer without restriction.

  • DataPOS enhancements

  1. Card Legend has touch buttons so no need to press Enter Key or access keyboard.

  2. Card/Item Legend now have EXPANDED text mode when triggered from DataPOS screen to make touch operation easier.

  3. Fixed issue with CASH ROUNDING for ACCOUNT Customer payment.

  4. Receipt/Payment form now allows entire area to be clicked to return to POS sale.

  5. Minor UI updates to increase FONT sizes to make touch navigation simpler.

  • Calculator updated to support touch screen with Cancel button instead of close box in top right.

  • ONSCREEN Keyboard can be triggered by double tapping the CARD/ITEM Legend window header.

  • Added new Analyse with Excel option to Export as TSV not XLS5.0 version as Excel 2010 rejects this format -Tag Format - Prefs.XML header node ... True ...

  • Schema Manager update to include ACCESS export view templates which were note coded with original SQL Export Views for ICXE.

Release 8.1.104

  • New Location selector via card legend to support reporting on a selection of locations. Bin Name allows searching via free text when enabled as drop down selection becomes impractical. To use Bin as free text use location selector and select all. On return to stock filter dialog the bin name becomes an edit field.

  • added new filter option to sales reports advanced pane for default salesperson to filter customers based on billing or ship to customer card default sales person. This is critical for reconciling exceptions where actual sales person differs from the customers assigned sales person.

  • new option to set a fixed destination bin during transfer order entry. Enable transfer wizard by clicking » the select the required destination bin from the drop down. As each line is typed the bin will default in the destination bin.

  • Confirm shipped step in pick/pack/ship workflow now includes options to print Carton and Pallet label - d ignores duplicate option.

  • Transfer register now supports Priority and Approval flags as per sales register replace the SAL_ with TFR_ and use same XML for press.xml file.

  • right click menu in transfer register updated to include Set Priority options and generally revised to improve usability. Now includes Cancel Order and Close Shipped Order to allow completion of movement workflows from transfer register only.

  • Enabled Quick Transfer for all stages of Transfer Order and Check Outs.

Release 8.1.103

  • Added new scripting point as On Post Invoice to MYOB allowing updates to header fields.

  • Location Drop Down now provides tool-tips as per Job Code to show LONG Description of location name.

Release 8.1.102

  • Occasional freezing when drilling to Stock Detail form fixed with design change.

Release 8.1.101

  • The PROMPT to import remote sales has CHANGED in functionality - it now requires the user to click the IMPORT REMOTE Sales link.

  • Extended Fields for Sales are linked however the “User Customer Date” is not linked to replicator.

  • Priority Flags and Remote Status (Approve/Recall) now work with Transfers and CheckOuts.

  • Import of RemoteSales now has TWO OPTIONS for Scheduled tasks - IMPORT_TSV (TSV only) and IMPORT_SALES (handling XML only).

  • Preferences allows naming of CustomFields for Sales in UDFs Tab.

  • Stock Details now has Details… tab showing all stock articles as per WMS Explorer register

  • Default Location now set in Stock Details Analyse and Details Tabs

  • Option to set Status, Approve/Recall on Transfers and CheckOuts.

  • Pick Stock Manual now shows Flag Colour in background to assist with manual pick workflows.

  • Sales form updates to include new Other… Tab including Customer Date and User Fields

  • Last Invoice and Invoice Lookup corrected using the single-click Drill-To-Invoice button (USEABILITY)

  • Blind Returns now allow a restock fee to be processed as a NON-INVENTORY item

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