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WMS 10.2 Series Update Release Notes
WMS 10.2 Series Update Release Notes

Updating Release Notes from WMS 10.2

Updated over a week ago

10.2.182 Release 25 July 2019

  • Enhanced Allocation workflows on IMPORT XML and Quick Scan

  • Improved XML Purchase Order import mapping with Script Points

  • Addition to Quick Scan = OPEN to ATP barcode

  • One loading existing purchase order date to use current date if not available in DB

  • [Allocation] On import attempt to ALLOCATE ONLY if stock Available

  • [Import PO request] It asks for an employee and a ship method now before being able to record as purchase order from request status.

  • [ImportSaleXML] Added new Script Point OnAfterCreate_Order

  • FixTermsMapping.sql (Must be run for any ARL customer on V10 having terms issues)

10.2.181 Release 31 May 2019

  • MULTI PRINT Pick Slips from the Despatch Register (via right click) prior to the order actually being PICKED Actions

  • [sale XML imports] kit header price being copied down from the item line above Actions

  • [Bill Purchase] - Do not send the (closed) PO to MYOB (Bill) if the PO is set on-Hold (PO Status) Actions

  • [Health Check] Is only connected to main connectivity registry (not workspace compliant) Actions

  • [CTRL K] From sales register to Receive register fails to produce results

10.2.180 Release 30 April 2019

  • WMS fails to write to Account right live in multi workspace environment

  • WMS to sync using "applied date" (selected on Multi-Payment screen) for payments

  • [Schema] Update Database Views with the TOE Changes

  • [Forms] Default PO does not have discount percentages

  • [Reports] Stock Reconciliation Report - Stock qty not divided by UOM

  • [Reports] Purchase Reports showing older orders

  • [Purchasing] Supplier Invoice # used to contain SO-xxxx-xxxx when order was from sale now it is WMSREORDER would like SO number back

  • [Reports] Purchase Report showing older orders status incorrectly

  • [Forms] Sales Advice Due Date Not Showing Correctly Based on Shipped Date

  • Fail to change status from alert after stock is unpicked

  • View update - Only valid for WMS as PO Source users - vPPD_ProductsByPromiseDate

  • Transfer PO status Alert

  • [Ordering Assistant] Price from ordering assistant not transferring to purchase order

  • [Forms] Purchase Order Form Not Showing Correct Qty Buy UOM

  • [Reports] Sales Statements not displaying all unpaid invoices

  • [Purchases] The supplier terms are not coming across from MYOB on purchases - they always come in as COD (myob syst wide default?) Actions

  • PO I just billed appears to have taken the tax off once going into MYOB though still states that tax is included

  • [Split allocate] possible over allocation results in sales line -1

  • [Preference] PO edit description line preference is linked to sales edit desc. line preference

  • [Disassembly] Functionality to be removed, recommend adjustments moving forward

  • [Return] - From original sale fractional item is Qty not unit.

  • [ReceiveAllocate] Problem of over allocation

  • [Reports] Release 180 Reports Pack Actions

  • New Customer Card Address Not Replicating from MYOB to WMS

  • [Assembly Register] Search fails to show any results for reference field

  • [Reports] New Sales Summary DIFOT Report

  • [Reports] Internal Job - Add 3 Indicator Tiles to Dashboard

  • [Reports] Internal Job - Add Open Adjustments Unsynced Report

  • [sql Password Storage] encrypted password required

  • [WMSExplorer] Script Point on Refresh to Support Mobility Express Features

  • [SPS] Add Additional Objects to ON_LOAD_SPS script point

  • [SPS] Make SpecialPriceLine Item Description Edit field and persistant

  • [Multi-Currency] WMSAsCurSource for V10 enables full WMS Managed FX

  • NOTE: Significant change in functionality - AR2018 - Currency Codes and Exchange Rates managed from WMS Tools Lists menu.

10.2.179 Release 15 February 2019

  • Improved Multi-Currency display on Purchase Order Entry to match Sale Order Entry

  • New Supplier Payment Report Added

  • Create Purchase Order from WorksOrder function - Jump To Order enhancement

  • Paste from and Send to Excel added to Purchase Order form to match Sale Order functionality

  • New Script points on Replication to ERP to improve customisation options

  • WorkOrder Entry UI tidy-up and minor bug fixes plus search added to WMS Explorer on Job/Jobnote

  • StockLegend now Supports CTRL+A (send to Excel of active list) to workaround the Items out of selection order issue

  • Jobs Managed from WMS now allow Additional fields to be entered

  • Job Lookup is now searchable

  • Price Levels now support Naming from Prefs.XML into Stock Detail lookup and improved display/edit of level prices.

  • Request Quantity is shown as ONORDER v9/v10 issue

  • Errors in pricing of purchased item on PO

  • Incorrect Item Details On Order Quantity

  • When using foreign currency the po still has a dollar sign showing

  • [schema update] bom and bls table indexes added

  • [Schema Update] vOOL_ received quantity in v10 is stored in quantity not units

  • [Reports] Release 179 Reports Pack

  • ShippingList Report / Dialog update

  • [Reports] Purchase Analyse Demand Report Sold Text Change to Demand

  • [Reports] Manager Summary report - Datapel Name Issue

  • Supplier Filter under Purchase Summary showing Locate Customer and not Locate Supplier

  • [Reports] Sales Summary By Customer Report - Price Ex Totals Incorrect

  • Kits qty dividing with UOM.

  • Purchases not replicated to MYOB after 21/11/2018 after replicate_all enabled

  • WO BOM Qty not updating after changing location

  • SPS for Purchasing issue, cant add items that are set as I BUY ONLY in MYOB

  • Unable to clear over credit limit message after applying payment

  • Purchase report issue - GUI date type Promise Date & Receive Date parameters swapped

  • Sales being sent to MYOB as tax inclusive in V10 with Premier/Enterprise MYOB

  • [Purchases] Rounding Calculation not optimised for GST when not 10 Percent

  • [Schema Update] vOOL_ received quantity in v10 is stored in quantity not units

  • [WMS Kits] New kits that are created in the WMS are not usable until WMS is restarted

  • [Receive Register] Search for "Billed" fails to find any records

  • [Receive Register] Custom List 2 and 3 drop down filters fail to filter results

  • [PriceLevels] Naming of WMS PriceLevels

  • [Schema] Master Barcode List from various sources

  • Create new script point on committing of work order receiving

  • Copy and Paste shortcut from clipboard to sales order

  • OsseoIntegration - New blind return do not have the "Other" tab

  • Desk Scan Solution - Scan a Picked Sale Straight to Shipped Without Having to Move Through The Pac

  • Purchase Report UI

  • [Schema] LinkedAssemblyID for Quick Jump Searching

  • Add Purchase Order values into the Receive Register

  • Allow cancel of commit during update of receive

  • Script Point Sending Assemblies to MYOB

  • Script Point Sending Adjustments to MYOB

  • Copy Paste From Excel to Purchase Order

  • Analyse Sale or Purchase or StockLegend Lines to Excel

  • [Purchasing] Create Purchase from WorkOrder

  • WMSAsJobSource enhanced Job properties and search options

  • Create or Search Job when WMS Job Source - CTL+ENTER in job dropdown

  • Purchase Report need status passed to the report

  • Request Stock Transaction Not Shown in Inventory Detail

10.2.178 Release 6 November 2018

  • Rework of Create Contact validation for V10

  • Performance improvements on MYOBAPI Replication

  • Create Invoices/Contacts not completes full queue and logs exceptions

  • This release is required for V10 to improve overall MYOB AccountRight Live (Desktop) integration performance and stability.

  • [Pick] Minor changes to UI to support PickByScript option

  • [CardLegend] Minor changes to change UI based on Individual/Company

  • [Replicator] Fix Audit Entry fails for strings with '

  • [Replicator] SubItems Replication Step altered to allow Cancel after New Contact Creation

  • [Replicator] Cosmetic - Altered Replication Step Display Order to reflect work done

  • [Replicator] Sending Purchase does not attempt new Contact Creation

  • [Replicator] Cosmetic - Added Count of Orders/Contacts to create to improve visual feedback

  • [Replicator] SafeMode for Invoicing now writes Audit Log after each Order Import

  • [Replicator] Replicator attempts ALL orders in selected queue without exiting on exceptions

  • [MYOBAPI] Added new check for SINGLE CARD replication/suppress Address replication

  • [MYOBAPI] Changed the UpdateDataTable function to use BULKSQL update to improve performance

  • [MYOBAPI] Moved reference to UID to CRD_Cards table from Odbc.Cards as latter is not persistent (Object null reference error)

  • [READTABLES.SQL] Script Updates to allow BULKUPDATE modifications - MUST RUN AFTER UPDATE!

  • [AdvInv] Change Order Status rejected if Order = CLOSED

  • [AdvInv] Create WorkOrder from Item fix to allow Scaling if enabled

  • [MYOBSDK] CItems missing check for NULL on StandardCostExc/Inc

  • [MYOBSDK] CAddress optimised to unless Street <> '' City <> '' Postcode <> '' Phone1 <> '' Phone2 <> '' Phone3 <> '' Email <> '' ContactName <> ''"

  • [MYOBSDK] CAddress missing populate of AddressID - causes updates to be missed

  • [MYOBSDK] CCards/CCustomers change from >0 to <>0 for CLOUDAPI compatibility

  • [Payments] Added separate setting for Supplier MultiPayments and apply Supplier Payments

  • [Payments] Replicator attempts ALL payments in selected queue without exiting on exceptions

  • [ScriptEvent] Added Script point gRP_ON_PARSECREDITNOTE

  • [NewContactReplicate] Now sends ONE card per verification - using CARDIDENTIFICATION as key verification field.

  • [NewContactReplicate] New Contact Validation process changes

  • NOTE: Significant change in functionality - User can no longer set CardIdentification - it will be overwritten.

10.2.177 Release 5 October 2018

  • Added new Purchase Reports Group

  • Separated Purchase Replication Modes (Order/Bill)

  • New WorkOrder Create and Costings capture on Replication/Close

  • This release continues to build on the Purchase Order module with new reporting and replication modes.

  • Sale Register - Cancelled order issue

  • Create New Customers in WMS, Invoice Shipped Sale is Failed Due to The Length of Company Name Did not Match with MYOB Field Length.

  • [Reports] Receive Summary & Receive Custom reports showing wrong Order Qty

  • [Reports] Historic Count Report not showing correct period date

  • [Reports] Stock Movement Report Errors

  • [Reports] WMS Min level Alert report issue

  • [Reports] Sales Statements Report Issues

  • ReadTables.sql update PositivePurchasePrice rounding 2018.2

  • Restrict allocation setting

  • [Reports] Stock Valuation Report not able to hide 0 qty items

  • Adjustment Order failed to Create due to slow query

  • New blind return issues - Unable to Record Return

  • [Reports] Work Orders Summary & Custom Report - Incorrect Required Units

  • Adaptors Preference - Verify Exported Data After MYOB Replication

  • Supplier Card Had Ticked Use Supplier's Tax Code But WMS Is Not

  • [Forms] Transfer Advice Not Showing Full Addresses

  • Stock Lookup Assistant - No search result if search all item with space

  • Schema Update

  • [Reports] Stock Aging Report Not Showing Items with Null Receive Dates

  • CReplicator MapLocations Error:457

  • WMS not showing correct MYOB average cost

  • WMS Help F1

  • Help - Online Training and Manuals F2

  • [Reports] Work Order Summary Report Not Showing WOs for Some Items

  • [Reports] Release 177 Reports Update Pack

  • [Reports] Batch Traceability Report - Not Showing Item Components

  • [Replicator] Purchase SupplierInvoice# should default to blank

  • WorkOrders should update Line Costs on Build and On Close

  • [RemoteSales] Kit Import broken if no TaxCode specified

  • [AdvInv] Minor Fixes

  • [MYOBAPI] ReadSQL fixes and Optimisations

  • Add Views to assist with PackList order by BoxID

  • Stock Lookup Assistant - Add Column

  • Update return line line note with sale line line note from parent sale

  • [Schema] Portal Widget Sales Orders History

  • [Replicator] New Customer limited to Sales when Manual Invoicing

  • [Prefs] Added new option to make Purchase Replication Status independent of Sales/Adjustments

  • [StockRegister] Display Invoice or Purchase# not SO-RRN Reference Number

  • [WMSExplorer] Right Click Item Register - Item - Create WorkOrder

  • [WMSExplorer] New Purchase Reports Menu - update/reorganise

  • Searching sales register using Item Details not working

  • WO fail replication due to comment field in WOR or ASM table contained a non ascii break character.

  • Adjustment Order failed to Create (Error prompted)

  • Another Scan Pick Issue -Line item duplicated during quick Scan.

  • New Workspace - Affected POST SO and PO to ABSS If Select Option Stock Take Import Files To set Count on Creating New Workspace

  • [OrderAssistant] ReOrder as WorkOrders

  • Create New customer Card for Company

  • Create new customer card without perform maintenance replication, system encounter error during invoice shipped sale.

  • New Customer Card - After maintenance replicate, the customer's address is BLANK

  • Despatch Register - Right Click Clone Order as Quote is Not Working

  • [Report] - Report Set User1 - 4 is Using The Default Report File

  • On Order Historical Data (Transfer Advice & Analysis Inventory Report)

10.2.176 Release 11 June 2018

  • Preparation for ARL Cloud

  • Enhancement of UDFs to include 24 Item + Sales/Purchase/Transfer fields

  • Corrections to TSV import for Jobs

  • New commandline replication directives for BILLING closed purchase orders

  • SplitAllocation feature enabled from Sales and WMS Explores (Sales Register)

  • Combine Orders supports Allocation workflow now has TWO different Views (Alloc/NoAlloc)

  • Fix Transfer Lock creates duplicate lines when QUICK transfer fails

  • Analyse with Excel Added to Stock Pick form

  • Quick Transfer now highlights Transfer Line blocking Commit

  • Split Allocate orders option as per Split Pick now available

  • Right Click and Cancel PO Is Not Working

  • Cancel Order - Receiving - Not working

  • Sale UDF Fields not fully replicated with 200 characters

  • [ALLOCATION] Combine Orders switch view when Allocation Enabled

  • Receive - Prevent User Does "Undo" Bill Receive Order

  • Adjustment - System Encountered An Error - Action Incomplete: Other users have modified the stock level

  • Shipping method in PO show incorrectly in Drill to Source screen after changed (for Old POs)

  • Invalid Object passed in the RP_ON_POSTPURCHASE script point

  • Purchase order V10 - When the PO number has already been used the po fails to import.

  • Adjustment with Show Units (PLUS FORMAT) fails to Record Transfer

  • Replicate Bills to MYOB as per Invoices

  • Require WMS Additional Field to Output Long Product Name

  • Sending of new sale order state to On_Create script point

  • Problem with Work Order Receiving Orders

  • MYOB Connectivity SDK and AdvancedInventory RemoteGUID/UID fields

  • Enhance UDF to allow all 24 to be shown and edit for ITEMS

  • [Schema] vPUR_PurchaseRegister View update

  • Issue with Transfer Replication

  • Overpick on assembly with same item on multiple assembly line

  • [Allocation] Combine Orders must support Allocation

  • Transfer performance optimisation

  • [Allocation] Split Allocation

  • [Transfer] Quick Transfer to show BLOCKING LINES

  • [Pick] Add Analyse with Excel option to Pick Screen

10.2.175 Release 13 April 2018

  • Purchase Order Import from MYOB Premier 19 (format TSV as per sales import)

  • SpoteRate rounding correction

  • [Schema] Dashboard Module shows 0 dollars

  • [Import] Purchase Order Import as per Sales Order Import (TXT FILE)

  • Assembly Register - Custom List filters in sidebar not working

  • [Schema] vCTR_ContactRegister View out of date

  • Supplier's SPS - Import to Customer's SPS When Using Import SPS Function

  • SpotRate in Purchase Order not Load with 6 decimal places as it entered.

  • Stock Lookup Assistant cannot search by Batch Serial

  • [Reports] Receive Summary & Receive Custom reports not showing actual supplier

  • Sale UDF Fields not fully replicated with 200 characters

10.2.173 Release 09 April 2018

  • WorkOrders producing Fractional Finished Goods corrects change in UOM from

  • Advanced Pick Methods added in Manual Pick sorts

  • General deployment file updated (prefs.xml)

  • Fractional Kit Headers now supported in Sales

  • [MYOBAPI] Schema Manager update with WRITETABLES.SQL

  • Stock Order Management - If Specify a Job Code, It Does Not Flow Through To The Purchase Order Created

  • Right Click Create Purchase Order on Sale Order - Employee Field Un-populated

  • Loading Item List in Item Register shows incorrect OnOrder UOM Quantity

  • Kits with Fractional quantities

  • Item Register Nett Available figure with Fractional WorkOrders

  • OnOrder figure in Item Register vs Quantity in Inventory Details (PO vs WO)

  • [Reports] Defaults on installation

  • [JobList] JobCodes drop down sort is incorrect

  • [Pick Stock] Enable Advanced Pick Methods in Manual Pick Stock

  • Overpick on assembly with same item on multiple assembly lines

10.2.171 Release 09 March 2018

  • Jobs Standalone option (VExpress) Implementation requirements (WMSAsJOBSource as True)

  • Currency option (WMSAsCURSource as True)

  • General review of Register Search Options and enhancement

  • Critical AR2017 fix for special characters in ITEM/CARD names/numbers

  • Card Name cannot has ampersand character &

  • Invalid Purchase Summary Report data linkage

  • Receiving - Split Order Does Not Show Prefix "PO"

  • [Audit Trail] Right click approve or priority change for a purchases needs to show user name and related order number in status reporter.

  • [Order Assistant] Purchase Price is incorrect for Foreign Currency Cards.

  • CTRL-N in Purchase Order creating duplicate lines

  • Customlist combo not initialized/populated in frmCardLegend in V10

  • [WMSExplorer] Searchable UDF in sale, transfer & receive register

  • [WMS Explorer] Ability to jump between Sale and linked Purchase Order(s) and vice versa

  • [WMS Explorer] Right click, approval in purchase register to display tick - Approval XML column details

  • [WMS Explorer] Option under purchase order user management to restrict access to the approve/recall menu option.

  • [WMS Explorer] Ability to search sales and receive registers by job code

  • [WMS Workflow] Job Codes and Job Name to be entered directly into WMS - no writeback to accounting system

  • Receive Reports

  • You MUST include the new tags in pref.xml


10.2.168 Release 29 Jan 2018

  • Line unbalance error was return from MYOB API.

  • Full received quantity but Receiving Register show status SPLIT, instead of CLOSED

  • When Select Customer Card, It Does Not Auto Populate The Credit Terms

  • Import SPS - The Comment Does Not Show in Full

10.2.167 Release 18 Jan 2018

  • AccountRight 2017 Terms Mapping fixes

  • Rounding Improvements (Premier19/AR2017)

  • Payment Receipt workflow/report form now active/fixed

  • Item Legend performance improvement and UOM issue corrections

  • First pass safe merge of V9 performance updates

  • [MYOB invoice rounding] - New MYOB now accepts unit price to 6 decimal places

  • Discount Value Disappear If The Unit Qty is 20000

  • POs not calculating totals correctly

  • 'TMS_TERMS' and 'TermsMap' Did Not Replicate Correctly from WMS to MYOB

  • Credit Limit

  • Issue with UOM Quantity when we upgraded from WMS v9 to v10

  • Right click Create PO from SO with 2 Same Item Line cause Duplicate in PO

  • Supplier's SPS - Simple Search for Item Lookup - Item and Unit Cost are not Appeared in SPS List.

  • Payment Receipt Report prompting "This field name is not known."

  • Bill Delivery Status in MYOB does not defaulted based on Supplier Card for PO

  • Non-inventory items can no longer be found by using the Ctrl L short cut

  • Full received quantity but Receiving Register show status SPLIT, instead of CLOSED

  • terms issue- charge of Late Payments

  • Cost Price multiplied by 1000 in the PO for fractional items

  • Incorrect Work Order Line Comment replication to MYOB

  • Report - Stock List failed to run with All Item selected.

  • Payment Receive screen loading is very slow

  • EXPRESS quick scan code to AUTOFULFIL

  • Action Menu - Assemblies - Drill to Source too close to Quick Build

10.2.163 Release 29 Sep 2017

  • Receive BackOrder rounding/recalculation issue

  • Enhanced StockPack - additional coding against dropped consignment data

  • Release Installer REPACK

  • Split Purchase Rounding Lines Problem

  • Stock pack - cubic calculator issues

10.2.162 Release 11 Sep 2017

  • Purchase Order Module updates

  • Security Map enables for Purchase Ordering

  • Supplier Special Pricing updates

  • New Batch Traceability and related reports for WorksOrders

  • Item Register Performance optimisations

  • Purchase module do not warn for duplicate invoice# even if preference is on

  • new PO module SPS doesn't work on stock order management module

  • [Supplier SPS] Supplier SPS lookup window blank when select all*

  • SPS report doesnt work with new WMS SPS module

  • [Schema] ReadTables Cost and Price Fields Extend to 6dcpl

  • [WorkOrders] Item Update not reflected to the components in the WORKSORDER

  • [MYOBAPI] ErrorCode passback fails

  • Replication LastCost mapping Issue

  • [Security] Purchase Order Module Audit Log tags by Supplier Invoice# Change to Purchase Order#

  • [Replication] Divide by Zero / Overflow checks

  • [Special Pricing] Supplier Special Pricing Options Removal

  • [Performance] On Startup Initialise Worker/Assignment list slow to populate

  • [Scripts] Purchase Script points share Sale Script point Event Names

  • [Security] Add new Purchase Module Access Rights to WMS 10

  • Pack Type scanning in Pack Scanning

  • [Replication] WorkOrders using Total Stock OnHand

  • [Schema] New View for CustomLists

  • [Reports] New Batch Analysis Production Report Sets

  • [Schema] ItemRegister Optimisation Investigation and Recommendations

10.2.160 Release 11 Aug 2017

NOTE: Maintenance Release for Series 10

  • NEW Report form FRM_ReceiveNotice.rpt (MUST BE COPIED FROM STANDARD forms folder to default Forms path)

  • Optimised replication (Terms) and Refresh Mode Enabled

  • Extension of Purchase Notes up to 2500 characters

  • Fixes to compensate for MYOB ValueOnHand issues

  • [Schema] Added Indexes to PAW_PutAways to resolve time-out issue

  • Added additional filter to check for SHOW/HIDE INACTIVE items on to More Barcodes window

  • For configuration page browse removed filters for myox/myo. Now the file type selection shows only 'All File'

  • [Schema] ReadTables Address Field Size Mapping updated the Address table to better match myob api field sizes

  • [Schema] Extending of String Fields for WMS DB.

  • [CardLegend] Extend UI to display additional fields. Name is 52 characters, Firstname is 20, CardIdentification is 16

  • [Schema] ReadTables SQL filter optimisation

10.2.158 Release 31 Jul 2017

NOTE: This release rolls up the last major v10 updates

  • Replication performance improvements

  • NEW feature User privileges now passed to reports/forms

  • Workflow Optimisation (Multi/Single-Payments)

  • NEW feature Notes in Receive Register (with Search Options)

  • WMS 10 MYOB Configuration without MYOX (MYOB AccountRight files) Selection

  • Multiple POs for different vendors via order assistant in once go have same # issue resolved

  • PO status is Billed but not in MYOB added new check for communication error

  • [PriceLevels] Import of PriceLevels can't have less than $0.5 unit price resolved

  • Duplicate PO number when you create 3 PO via order assistant. Issue resolved - NO DUPLICATES - however it skips a number when you raise a new Purchase. Will be further investigated

  • [Quick Scan] Cannot under pick transfer line. Issue resolved - Scan Pick code to use same code as Sale Line Split pick

  • [Transfer Report by Order] Can show duplicated Lines when multiple PDL_ID records are found resolved

  • Split Po lines left in original PO issue if you have ''allow over receive active'' resolved

  • [MYOBAPI] Logger long string caused failures resolved

10.2.155 Release

  • New Po Module Qty columns in detail section shows qty instead of unit if item is fractional

  • WMS PO module ignored supplier tax code and item buying tax code, instead used selling tax code - resolved

  • New PO module note field disable when commission module is disabled - resolved

  • V10 goes went to ALERT until open and update the sale order -resolved

  • [Base Sell Replication] Limited to 2 decimals in V10 resolved to 4 decimals

  • [MYOBAPI] New commandline options for SaleHeader query to enable payment reconciliation

  • [MYOBAPI] Item Master replication performance issue - ItemOnHand quantity

  • [MYOBAPI] ReadTables.sql Updates

  • [MYOBAPI] Support for Tax Inclusive Sales Orders/Invoices

  • [Purchase] Single/Multi Payment Workflow

  • [Merge] V9.1.155 to v10.2.155

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