This document details our STD output file for Purchase order Acknowledgement.
These can also be described as Purchase Acceptance/Acknowledgement/ Confirmation/ Response or Sale Order Acceptance/Acknowledgement/ Confirmation/Response and acronyms such as POA, POR, SOR, SOA.
This document is flexible to the needs of the customer, if you require additional additional fields or field changes, please contact your Datapel Project Manager.
Detail Steps
Sales Order header information (One Header per file)
TAG NAME | TAG EXAMPLE | Description | Details | Size | Type |
NewDataSet | - | Required SCHEMA formatting for a Sale Order | Tag should be closed at end of file data | - | - |
tREMOTETransHeader | - | - | - | - | - |
DTD | EdifactV1 | The document conversion type | normally as per provided by PO file | 50 | NVARCHAR |
RevisionNumber | 3 | Matches incoming Revision Number | Used for Purchase order change documents | 20 | INT |
CurrencyCode | AUD | currency of Sale | - | 3 | NVARCHAR |
StoreCode | SYD | Location Ship From Code | Required but can be blank. Assigned as default location from WMS configuration | 50 | NVARCHAR |
PostingDate | 2009-04-29T10:12:20+ | DateTime of Transaction | Order Date. Suggested format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+ where T and + are separators and terminators | - | INT |
TransID | 164101 | Invoice Number | WMS Allocates an invoice number prior to shipping. | 8 | NVARCHAR |
TransDate | 2009-04-29T10:12:20+ | DateTime of Transaction | Promised Date - for matching against original order requested delivery date, sometimes supplier will change this if they cannot supply - 1/1/3000 = cannot supply order in full. | - | INT |
Salesperson | Long | Salesperson ID | Last name of Salesperson. If “DEFAULT”, substituted with default Salesperson | 52 | NVARCHAR |
CustomerID | 2 | Customer ID | MYOB CARD RECORD ID | - | INT |
CardIdentification | CUS0000001 | MYOB Card Identification or MYOB Tax ID | Card Identification of Billing Customer. | 16 | NVARCHAR |
SHIPCustomerID | 2 | Customer ID | Ship MYOB CARD RECORD ID | - | INT |
SHIPCardIdentification | CUS0000001 | MYOB Card Identification or MYOB Tax ID | Card Identification of Receiving Customer. | - | INT |
SaleType | C | C = Confirmation | C for Purchase acknowledgement | 1 | NVARCHAR |
Special2 | 2000 | Customers Purchase Order No. | Original PO number (if in response to POA or SOC it will also contain -1 -2 -3 suffix) | 50 | NVARCHAR |
Notes | - | - | “Comment” field in Sale Order | 255 | NVARCHAR |
SaleNote | - | WMS Field Sale Notes | - | 2500 | NVARCHAR |
ShipNote | - | - | “Ship Note” field in WMS Sale Order | 200 | NVARCHAR |
Priority | - | Maps to WMS Order Priority HIGH, HOLD, LOW or as a number (0-3) | - | 1 | INT |
ShippingMethod | - | - | “Name of Method” or “Default” will use customer default shipping method | 255 | NVARCHAR |
ConNote | - | ConNote - Consignment Number | in most cases will be blank for this document as order has not shipped. | 50 | NVARCHAR |
OrderWeight | 15.85 | Total Order Weight (KG) | Two options are available, calculation based on per item weight that is held in a custom field in WMS or the Order weight field in the WMS | 20 | INT |
OrderQuantity | 15.23 | Total Order Quantity (Units) | Sum of Order Units | 20 | INT |
CubicVolume | .532 | - | Two options are available, calculation based on per item cubic m2 that is held in a custom field in WMS or the Order cubic in the WMS | 20 | INT |
TotalCartons | 15 | - | Total pcs field in the WMS (can be broken into total pallets and cartons if required) | 20 | INT |
Sent2HostDateTime | 2008-04-30T17:02:11 | Optional DateTime of XML Emit | Used for logging | - | INT |
ReferralSource | - | ReferralSource - mapped to MYOB/WMS referral source descriptions | - | 32 | NVARCHAR |
UDF1 | a1b2text | Custom Data Field | - | 200 | NVARCHAR |
UDF2 | a1b2text | Custom Data Field | - | 200 | NVARCHAR |
UDF3 | a1b2text | Custom Data Field | - | 200 | NVARCHAR |
OriginalTransID | 164101 | - | Internal ref maps to SAL_EDItransid - will link all related PO documents together | 50 | NVARCHAR |
OrderResponseCode | 77 | Can be tailored to Customer Needs | STD response is Edifact when DTD is edifact | 50 | NVARCHAR |
/tREMOTETransHeader | - | - | - | - | - |
Sale Order line information (multiple allowed)
TAG NAME | TAG Example | Description | Detail | Size | Type |
tREMOTETransSaleLines | - | - | Require SCHEMA formatting for each sale line | - | - |
SKU | 320 | Product Number | Required. | 50 | NVARCHAR |
Barcode | 93781385965 | Product Barcode | Barcode (normally CF1,CF2,CF3 or UDF1) as specified in MYOB | 20 | INT |
SellUom | EA | String Value of Product Unit | generally EA, CTN, CT, Box ETC | 5 | NVARCHAR |
SaleQty | 1 | Quantity Sold | Required (unless SaleUnitQty is populated). as Quantity Sold (eg. Piece) - 0 for Cancelled Lines - New Qty For Amended Lines | - | INT |
SaleUnitQty | 1 | Unit Sold | Required (unless SaleQty is populated. as Unit Sold (eg. Box) - 0 For Cancelled Lines - New QTY for Amended Lines | - | INT |
BOSaleQty | 14 | Quantity Backordered | not delivered amount per line | - | INT |
BOSaleUnitQty | 2.355 | Unit Backordered | not delivered amount per line | - | INT |
BOSupplyETA | 2014-02-19T00:00:00+ | Estimated date of ETD or ETA | can be configured as # of days after current date or based on a database field | - | Date/Time |
SaleUnitAmountIncTax | 9.95 | Sale Unit Price | Required if . as per Agreed Unit Sale Price Inc Tax - field takes presidence over if populated | - | Float |
SaleUnitAmountExcTax | 9.95 | Sale Unit Price | Required if is Blank or NULL. as per Agreed Unit Sale Price Excl Tax | - | Float |
SaleTaxCode | N-T | Tax Code | if N or NULL then, sets exact Tax Code on sale | 3 | NVARCHAR |
SaleTaxRate | 10.00 | Tax Rate (in Percent value e.g 10.00%) | Ignored if match is found. if N and VAT<\TaxCode> <> existing Tax Code in MYOB or BOTH NULL then(10.00 for GST, 0 for N-T)(Auto calculates unit price = SaleUnitAmountIncTax / (1+(SaleTaxRate/100)) ) | - | Float |
SaleTaxUnitAmount | 0.90 | Tax Amount | If > 0, automatically changes Tax to GST for line item | - | Float |
SKUDescription | Clown Dots | Product Description | If blank allocates default item description | 255 | NVARCHAR |
DeliveryDate | 2013-08-09T00:00:00+ | Format will be YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00+ | If provided this is the Expected delivery date of the line of the sale line (Calculation method = Look at date requested per line if available else check promised date, If promised date > Line date then Promised Date else Line Date.) | 20 | NVARCHAR |
BOSupplyETA | 2013-09-01T00:00:00+ | Format will be YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00+ | If provided is the expected delivery date for the backordered items. (Calculation Method = If Backorder found then check Stock Item next ETA found in BST_UDF6 (format checked if isdate preferred format is YYYY-MM-DD) if > Today plus 14 days (Can be set by Supplier) then BST_UDF6 else Today Plus 14 Days. | 20 | NVARCHAR |
LineNote | May We have Blue Please | Additional Product Description | - | 200 | NVARCHAR |
JobCode | JobCode | Job Code (Must already be in the Job Code List to apply/ no new additions) | - | 50 | NVARCHAR |
JobNote | JobCodeNote | Additional Text Field | For Multi Store delivery orders and distribution centres this will contain the store Number | 250 | NVARCHAR |
SaleUnitDiscount | 25.50 | Discount - This is the discount percentage. | - | - | Float |
CurrencyCode | A | Set to A | - | - | - |
SaleLineNo | 1 | - | - | - | INT |
SSCC | 00093477150021109012 | Box/PKG Barcode | Will Be blank until shipped | 250 | INT |
BoxNumber | 1 | BoxNumber that item is packed in | Will be blank until shipped, will be 1 is customer does not use SSCC labels | 20 | INT |
PKGType | CTN | Normally a fixed type | - | 20 | NVARCHAR |
LineWeight | 4.25 | Combined weight of QTY of item on sale line | calculation of a custom field | 20 | INT |
LineCube | .026 | Combined Cubic m2 of QTY on Sale Line | calculation of a custom field | 20 | INT |
LineResponseCode | 7 | Can be tailored to Customer Needs | Edifact STd when DTD is Edifact | 50 | NVARCHAR |
/tREMOTETransSaleLines | - | End Sale Line | - | - | - |
Sale Order Customer / Shipping Information (One Node Per file)
TAG NAME | TAG Example | Description | Details | Size | Type |
tREMOTETransCustomer | - | – | Schema Format Node | - | - |
ShipToName | gtp test | SHIP TO Customer Name | Company or Last Name of Customer | - | - |
ShipToAddress1 | 174 Hampden Road | SHIP TO Address Line 1 | - | - | - |
ShipToAddress2 | - | Address Line 2 | - | - | - |
ShipToSuburb | NEDLANDS | SHIP TO Suburb | - | - | - |
ShipToPostCode | 6009 | SHIP TO Post Code | - | - | - |
FaxNo | - | Fax | - | - | - |
PhoneNo1 | 1300 856 533 1300 856 533 | Phone Contact | Optional | - | - |
PhoneNo2 | - | Phone Contact | - | - | - |
EmailAddress | Email Address | - | - | - | |
/tREMOTETransCustomer | - | - | Schema Node End | - | - |
Important Use TransCustomer to manually allocate shipping address. Primary billing information is assigned by CardIdentification in TransSaleHeader |
Related Information
XML Text Encoding Rules
Preferred encoding UTF-8
The fields in the xml file should not use cdata and should not contain any of the following characters without encoding ~ < > & TAB CR LF ( ascii 10 / 13)
Special Characters
Characters used in programming should be encoded as below.
~ - ~tl~
< - ~lt~
”>” - ~gt~
& - ~am~
Chr(9) - ~09~
Chr(10) - ~10~
Chr(13) - ~13~
' Single quotes do not require any encoding.