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Reports Menu

Know more about Reports Menu

Updated over a year ago


The Reports menu at the top of the QlikView screen contains the command Edit Reports... that opens the Report Editor dialog where new reports can be created or existing reports edited. From this dialog it is also possible to delete and select reports, design their layout, add pages and images etcetera. The report editor lists all available reports for immediate selection.

Reports may be Document Reports, stored with the document, or User Reports, stored separately on the user’s computer.

Detail Steps

Report Editor

The Report Editor dialog consists of two pages, the Report List and the Page Editor. When first entering the report editor, the Report List will be shown.

Report List

The Report List page is used to manage reports. It is possible to create new reports and remove existing reports. This is also where a report is selected for page editing in the Page Editor. At the top of the page a drop-down and a list of reports are found.


What it does

Available Reports

Document Reports
Opens a list of all document reports in the active document. Clicking one of the report names opens the Print dialog for printing of the report.

User Reports
Opens a list of all user reports, stored separately on the user's computer. Clicking one of the report names opens the Print dialog for printing of the report.

My Server Reports
Personal server reports are only available when working with a document on QlikView Server and only to authenticated users. They are stored in a repository on the server and are accessible to the user from any computer where authenticated.

Shared Server Reports
Shared server reports are only available when working with a document on QlikView Server and only to authenticated users. Any user who has created a personal server report may flag this as shared to other users. It will then become available to other users.

Just like personal server reports shared server reports are stored in a repository on the server.

Reports may be document reports, stored with the document, or user reports, stored separately on the user’s computer.

In the drop-down list Available Reports at the top of the Report Editor screen you select whether Document Reports or User Reports should be shown in the list. For server documents you may choose between My Server Reports, Shared Reports or User Reports. The list itself includes several columns:




Name of the report.


The unique report ID (see below).


Number of pages currently defined in the report.


This check box is only available in the My Server Reports list. By marking it for one of the My Server Reports, the report will be available to other authenticated users of the same server document in their Shared Server Reports list.

The report will stay in the My Server Reports list and will not appear in the Shared Server Reports list. Deselect the check box at any time to revoke the sharing.


The authenticated name of the creator of the report.


Push this button to create a new report. If Document Reports is selected above the List of Reports, the new report will be a document report. If User Reports is selected, the new report will be a user report.

The dialog New Report is opened so that you can name your report. Check Copy Pages from Other Report and pick an existing report in the drop-down menu to copy pages from that report.


Push this button to delete the report currently selected in the List of Reports.


Push this button to promote the report currently selected in the List of Reports one step up in the list.


Push this button to demote the report currently selected in the List of Reports one step down in the list.

Move Local User Reports to Server

This text only appears when you work with a server document and if you have selected User Reports in the drop-down at the top of the list. By clicking on the text you can convert all the local user reports to server reports, stored in the server repository. This is a recommended practice as the personal server reports will stay accessible via the server even if the computer is changed or if the server document is renamed.

Before the conversion takes place, the system asks for confirmation. The conversion is all-or-nothing (within the active document) and one-way only.

Edit >>

Invokes the Page Editor for the selected report. Pushing this button is equivalent to double-clicking on a report in the List of Reports.

Page Editor

The Page Editor page is used to define the pages of a report selected on the Report List page. The page has two panes and a toolbar to assist you in designing report pages. At the bottom you find the following buttons:


What it does

Report List>>

Takes you back to the List of Reports page.

Edit Menu


What it does


Copies the currently selected item and the current page in the report. Also available as right-click command in the page preview pane.

Paste Report

Pastes the report from the Clipboard.

Paste Page

Pastes the page from the Clipboard.

Paste Item

Pastes the item from the Clipboard. Also available as right-click command in the page preview pane.

Snap to Grid

Displays a grid in the report to help align the report items.

Reports Menu


What it does


Adds a report. Only available when viewing the Report List.


Deletes a report. Only available when viewing the Report List.


Moves the selected report up one step in the list of reports. Only available when viewing the Report List.


Moves the selected report down one step in the list of reports. Only available when viewing the Report List.


Saves the report file as an XML document. Only available when viewing the Report List.


Imports a report that has been saved as XML. Only available when viewing the Report List.

Print Preview...

Opens the Print Preview dialog and where you can see how the current report will look when printed with the current selections in the QlikView document.


Opens the Print dialog and prints the current report.

Report Settings

Opens the Report Editor: Report Settings Dialog dialog where you can set various properties for the report. This includes margins, header/footer setting etc.

Page Menu


What it does


Promotes the currently selected page. This may also be achieved by means of dragging and dropping the page in the page list pane.


Demotes the currently selected page. This may also be achieved by means of dragging and dropping the page in the page list pane.

Add Multi Page

Adds a multi-paper page after the currently selected page.

Add Single Page

Adds a single-paper page after the currently selected page.


Deletes the currently selected page.

Page Settings

Opens the Report Editor: Page Settings dialog where you can set various properties for the selected page.

Item Menu


What it does

Left Align

Only available when two or more print objects are selected (with the help of Shift-click). Aligns the selected objects to the left. Also available as right-click command in the page preview pane.

Center Horizontally

Only available when two or more print objects are selected. Centers the selected objects horizontally. Also available as right-click command in the page preview pane.

Right Align

Only available when two or more print objects are selected (with the help of Shift-click). Aligns the selected objects to the right. Also available as right-click command in the page preview pane.

Bottom Align

Only available when two or more print objects are selected (with the help of Shift-click). Aligns the selected objects to the bottom. Also available as right-click command in the page preview pane.

Center Vertically

Only available when two or more print objects are selected. Aligns the selected objects along their center on the vertical axis. Also available as right-click command in the page preview pane.

Top Align

Only available when two or more print objects are selected (with the help of Shift-click). Aligns the selected objects to the top. Also available as right-click command in the page preview pane.

Space Horizontally

Only available when two or more print objects are selected. Distributes the selected objects on the horizontal axis with equal spaces between them. Also available as right-click command in the page preview pane.

Space Vertically

Only available when two or more print objects are selected. Distributes the selected objects on the vertical axis with equal spaces between them. Also available as right-click command in the page preview pane.

Adjust Left

Only available when two or more print objects are selected. Arranges the active sheet objects from the vertical edge of the left-most object and to the right with minimal spaces between them. Also available as right-click command in the page preview pane.

Adjust Top

Only available when two or more print objects are selected. Arranges the active sheet objects from the horizontal top edge of the topmost object and downwards with minimal spaces between them. Also available as right-click command in the page preview pane.

Same Width

Only available when two or more print objects are selected (with the help of Shift-click). Gives the currently selected items the same width. Also available as right-click command in the page preview pane.

Same Height

Only available when two or more print objects are selected (with the help of Shift-click). Gives the currently selected items the same height. Also available as right-click command in the page preview pane.

New Image...

Creates a new text object (in a hidden location in the document) and then opens the Text Object Properties dialog for selection of an image. The image will appear as a regular print item in the page preview pane, where it can be moved and sized just like any other print item.

New Text...

Creates a new text object (in a hidden location in the document) and then opens the Text Object Properties dialog where the properties for the new text object can be edited. The text object will appear as a regular print item in the page preview pane, where it can be moved and sized just like any other print item.

New Current Selections...

Creates a selection stamp object for the report. The selection stamp will appear as a regular print item in the page preview pane, where it can be moved and sized just like any other print item.


Deletes the currently selected item(s). Also available as right-click command in the page preview pane.

Item Settings...

Opens the Report Editor: Item Settings Dialog dialog where you can set various properties for the selected print item. Also available as right-click command in the page preview pane.

At the bottom of the two panes there are icons for some of the functions in the different menus:


What it does

Page Settings

Opens the Report Editor: Page Settings Dialog dialog where you can set various properties for the selected print item. Also available as right-click command in the page preview pane.


Deletes the highlighted page.


Adds a single-paper page or a multi-paper page after the currently selected page.

Item Settings

Opens the Report Editor: Item Settings Dialog dialog where you can set various properties for the selected print item. Also available as right-click command in the page preview pane.


Deletes the highlighted item.


Adds a new image, new text or a new current selections stamp.

Page List Pane

To the left you will find a list of all pages in the report. QlikView reports can contain two different types of pages, single paper pages and multi paper pages. Any number of pages can be added and the two types may be mixed in any combination within a report.

Single paper pages

A single paper page can contain any number of sheet objects. The page will always be printed on exactly one paper page (or PDF page) and the sheet objects will have to be zoomed or truncated to fit the page. Sheet objects may overlap on the page. Extra text can be added.

Multi paper pages

A multi paper page can contain one sheet object which may spread over a number of paper pages (or PDF pages), depending on the amount of data to be printed. A multi paper page is the typical choice when printing large tables. In addition to the dynamic size objects it is possible to add fixed size objects in introduction and/or appendix zones on the page. These zones work just like single paper pages.

Manipulating the page list

Select a page for editing by clicking on it in the list. There are a number of toolbar commands directly associated with the page list pane:


What it does

Add Single Paper Page

Adds a single paper page after the currently selected page.

Add Multi Paper Page

Adds a multi paper page after the currently selected page.

Delete Page

Deletes the currently selected page.

Promote Page

Promotes the selected page one step up the list. It is also possible to drag and drop the page in the page list pane.

Demote Page

Demotes the selected page one step down the list. It is also possible to drag and drop the page in the page list pane.

Page Preview Pane

To the right of the page list pane a preview of the page currently selected is found in the page list pane.

Adding sheet objects to the report

Simply drag or double-click on any sheet object in the layout to put it in the report page preview. The print objects will appear in the preview as they currently look in the QlikView layout. The exact appearance of the object in the report will of course dynamically reflect how the sheet object looks in the layout at the time of printing, with respect to property changes as well as to changes in selected data.

It is possible to select multiple sheet objects in the layout and drag them as a group into the report.

Note that only one print object can be added to the central dynamic area of a multi paper page.

Sizing and positioning of print objects on page

Once added the sheet object will appear in the page preview pane. There will be a border around the object and placeholders in each corner to mark that the object is selected. Point at it with the mouse and move it to the desired position. Use the corner placeholders to adjust the size. A dashed line shows the current margins. No print object can be placed outside these margins.

Navigating and selecting print objects on page

Select a print object by clicking on it. Once one print object has been selected, it is possible to move the selection to the next object using the Tab key (Shift+Tab to move backwards). Use Shift-click to select multiple objects. In multi paper pages, drag print objects between the different areas.

When one or two items are highlighted in the preview pane, the commands in the align toolbar become available.


What it does

Align Top

Only available when two or more print objects are selected (with the help of Shift-click). Aligns the selected objects to the top.

Center Vertically

Only available when two or more print objects are selected. Aligns the selected objects along their center on the vertical axis. Also available as right-click command in the page preview pane.

Align Bottom

Only available when two or more print objects are selected (with the help of Shift-click). Aligns the selected objects to the bottom.

Align Left

Only available when two or more print objects are selected (with the help of Shift-click). Aligns the selected objects to the left.

Center Horizontally

Only available when two or more print objects are selected. Centers the selected objects horizontally. Also available as right-click command in the page preview pane.

Align Right

Only available when two or more print objects are selected (with the help of Shift-click). Aligns the selected objects to the right.

Space Horizontally

Only available when two or more print objects are selected. Distributes the selected objects on the horizontal axis with equal spaces between them. Also available as right-click command in the page preview pane.

Space Vertically

Only available when two or more print objects are selected. Distributes the selected objects on the vertical axis with equal spaces between them. Also available as right-click command in the page preview pane.

Adjust Left

Only available when two or more print objects are selected. Arranges the active sheet objects from the vertical edge of the left-most object and to the right with minimal spaces between them. Also available as right-click command in the page preview pane.

Adjust Top

Only available when two or more print objects are selected. Arranges the active sheet objects from the horizontal top edge of the topmost object and downwards with minimal spaces between them. Also available as right-click command in the page preview pane.

Toolbar commands

There are two toolbar commands directly associated with the page preview pane:


What it does

Design Grid

Toggles the design grid on and off. This also activates the snap to grid functionality. With design grid and snap-to-grid activated it is easier to align the sheet objects on the page, but you have less exact control.


In this drop-down, specify a zoom factor for the entire preview pane. With a larger zoom factor it becomes much easier to do exact placement of objects.

Then, there are some toolbar buttons for printing the report from inside the Report Editor dialog.


What it does

Print Preview

Push this button to open the Print Preview dialog and see how the current report will look when printed with current selections in the QlikView document.

This button is also available from the Page Editor page of the Report Editor dialog.


Push this button to open the Print dialog and print the current report. This button is also available from the Page Editor page of the Report Editor dialog.


Copies the highlighted report, page or item.


Pastes the copied report, page or item.

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