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Sales Reconciliation Report
Sales Reconciliation Report

Running sales reconciliation report

Updated over 2 years ago


This document explains how to run the Sales Reconciliation Report and Reconcile your Sales between WMS and MYOB.

Workflow Options

  • Sales Reconciliation report only looks at matching INVOICES between WMS and Accounting software.

  • If you have Sales in Accounting software in ORDER status, you need to convert them to INVOICE, and then WMS will recognise a match, and Invoice won't appear on Report.

  • For example, when you sent an order to Accounting software and not an invoice, it will show as Match NOT FOUND in the Sales Reconciliation report.

Detail Steps

1. Open WMS.

2. Reports Menu > Sales > Reconciliation.

3. Select the Dates range you wish to check. The earliest date range you should select is your “Go Live” date.

4. Select your Match Date on Setting. This setting is determined by the setting in your Preferences under the Replication Tab “Use Shipped Date on Invoice” when ticked, the Ship date is sent as the invoice date; if unticked, the Order date will be sent.

5. Select the “Show” option. MYOB Invoices Not reconciled with WMS Sales or WMS Sales Not Reconciled with MYOB Invoices (Both should be run to ensure all sales are checked).

Option 1 - MYOB Invoices NOT reconciled with WMS Sales

Loads all invoices within the date range from MYOB, then loads WMS invoices to see if any are missing. This report will highlight any Stock Sales manually entered or changed in value in MYOB and does not match a WMS Transaction.

Option 2 - WMS Sales NOT reconciled with MYOB Invoices

Loads all WMS sales within the date range selected then compares to the sales in MYOB, this shows any transactions created in the WMS that should be in MYOB but are not, or they are duplicated MYOB, or the value differs in MYOB. It will not show any Sales in MYOB that do not have a record in the WMS.

6. You can then choose to hide matching invoices (the preferred option) or show them. You can also choose whether to show/hide negative sales (Returns).

7. Select generate the report. Report time may vary due to the number of sales and date range; please wait a couple of minutes.

Sample report:

Analysing the Reports

The report shows a list of Invoices without a match in either MYOB or WMS, Invoices where the totals differ and invoices that have duplicates.

  • Missing transactions are highlighted in the “Match Found” Column

  • Differences in totals are highlighted in the “Totals Match” column, and duplicates are highlighted by listing the duplicate invoices.

  • Invoices that show on the report should be viewed in MYOB and WMS and investigated and corrected.

  • Rerunning the reports after correcting the invoices should result in blank reports.

Workflow Restrictions

The Sales Reconciliation Report can generate only up to a year before. The one year cut off by month start date is in place due to the amount of live data it has to collect. Sales reconciliation should be done weekly/monthly prior to statement sending and then enforce locked periods in MYOB to stop users updating or removing transactions.

We also restrict because most users use the rollover end of F/Y in MYOB, which makes MYOB transactions unreadable to the WMS. In addition, reports become unreliable after the rollover as closed/Paid sales MYOB become journal memos only.

If you really would like to check for more than a year ago, you will need to perform a manual check on both ends, WMS and MYOB.

From WMS, run Sales Summary report:
1. Run Sales Summary (WMS > Reports > Sales > Sales Summary > By Sales Order).
2. Date Type - Closed Date (or your preference).
3. Start Date - your preferred date.

From MYOB, if it has not rolled over yet, you can run the sales report and cross-reference it in an Excel spreadsheet. But if it's already rolled over, it will not be available.

Related Information

If you use MYOB to invoice out service or professional sales, these will be ignored.

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