The stock report provides both summary and detailed information typically required to manage stock particulars and facilitate better inventory control.
This report shows the total count for each item as compared with MYOB item inventory count and reports any differences.
Detail Steps
This report is best run after running the Sales Reconciliation Report and correcting any errors found.
1. Run a maintenance Replication.
2. Go to Reports > Stock > Reconciliation...
The stock reconciliation report highlights all items with mismatched quantities to MYOB.
This list should be use to compare the stock history in the WMS and MYOB per item to locate the transaction error.
Below is a list of the most common errors and solutions.
Stock adjustment in WMS but not in MYOB
Via the item history in the WMS, drill into the adjust and select "create MYOB adjustment". If the adjustment fails to appear in MYOB please refer to the alert codes and errors document.
Stock adjustment in MYOB but not in WMS
An adjustment should be made in the WMS and not sent to MYOB.
Transaction Qty in MYOB differs to WMS Transaction Quantity(Sales/purchases)
This is most commonly caused by a manual change of the transaction in MYOB. The correct procedure should be to create a credit or new invoice in the WMS to compensate for the difference. When this transaction is sent to MYOB it should be deleted.
Related Information
In the WMS, you can find historical transactions in stock history. Go to Tools > Stock History... and type item number.
In MYOB, the transaction can be found in the "Items Register".
It is recommended you check a week at a time until the transaction error is found.
*Please note that only legitimate errors will show on the report, if an item QTY difference is found but the QTY exactly matches the amount that would appear in the last four columns of the report this means there is no error to show.
There is a legitimate reason for the difference between WMS and MYOB. It is recommended you review transactions in your registers to ensure you are processing them correctly.
Receiving returns and ensuring they are sent to MYOB.
Receiving stock and ensuring all closed and split receives are dealt with promptly. Closed purchases in the receiving register should have a white background, indicating they are Billed in MYOB.
Receiving all closed transfers as soon as they arrive at the destination.