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Stock List

Open Stock List Report

Updated over a week ago


This article explains how to open Stock List Report. This report shows Stock detail by Batch Serial Numbers, Expiry Dates, grouped by Location and Bin.

To obtain a detailed stock list by location with Batch/Serial/Lot number and Flag details. This report is primarily used to show stock available in a particular location/bin and to assist with stock transfers. It can also be used as a workflow tool to list stock by flag, identifying items that may require actions to be undertaken or initiated.

Detail Steps

  1. To bring up the Stock List Report, select Reports > Stock > Stock list.

2. Once the Stock List Report form is opened, there will be filters you can set to show only specific Items. If you only want to have a report of all the Items in your Inventory, simply click on Generate Report.

  • A Summary report will only show the total number of Item in each Location, plus the total quantity on hold.

  • A Detailed report will show a breakdown of the Items in your Inventory, listing the Serial Numbers in each Location, Expiry Date and Received Date.

3. You can filter the Report to only show you Items located in a specific Location. To do this, simply expand the Location drop-down box and select the desired Location, then select Generate Report.

4. You can filter the Report to only show you a specific Item, by typing in the exact Item Number, then select Generate Report.

5. You can alternatively show only Items that have been flagged. To do this, simply expand the Flag drop-down box and select the desired Flag, then select Generate Report.

6. You can also opt to only show Items that reside in a certain Bin. To enable this function, you MUST select a Location. Afterwards the Bin drop-down box will be selectable, and it will contain Bins that exist in the selected Location. Select Generate Report to get the relevant report.

7. You can also choose to sort the report using different criteria other than Item Number.

Simply expand the Order By drop-down box and select the desired criteria, and select whether it is to be sorted in ascending or descending order.

Select Generate Report, and the resulting report will be ordered accordingly.

8. Optionally, you can also show the Item’s barcode on the report. To do this, check the Show Product Barcode checkbox and click on Generate Report. The barcode will be displayed underneath the Item Description.

9. The filters above can be combined to get a more specific result. For example, you can filter the report to only show you Items inside a specific bin in particular location.


If you would like the stock report by date, please refer to the stock movement report here. Stock Movement Report/Stock Days

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