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Stock Ordering Management
Stock Ordering Management

How the ReOrder process works and quantities are calculated

Updated over a week ago


This document outlines how the ReOrder process works and quantities are calculated.

This feature is available for all WMS users.

Detail Steps

The automatic re-ordering feature of the WMS allows you to create supplier purchase orders based on the current stock commitment to sales/work orders and minimum stock holding levels defined in the ITEM buying details in Accounting software.

  • ONLY THOSE ITEMS that require re-ordering according to the minimum stock holding rules will show on this register.

  • For the Stock Ordering module to operate, each ITEM BUYING details in Accounting software must be set up correctly.

  • Users can use the filters in the sidebar to narrow down the items and suppliers to create specific supplier purchase orders.

  • User can manually alter the reorder quantity column.

How to

  1. Setup the minimum restocking quantity and quantity set by Supplier for each reorder quantity in Accounting software for each item.

  2. Go to WMS > Tools > Connect > Replicate from Accounting...

3. Once the replication is done, go to WMS, select one item from Item Register, and click Basic under Inventory Details. WMS will update the Min Qty Level and ReOrder Qty as per Accounting software:

4. You may now run the report under WMS > Reports > Stock and select MinLevel Alerts.

5. User may raise a Purchase Order or Purchase Request from Receiving Register > Stock Ordering Assistant:

Select the check box for items you wish to order and then click “Create Purchase Order” or “Create Purchase Order(s).”

Workflow Options

  • To calculate the REORDERING QUANTITY, the WMS uses the following simple formula:


  • There are some exceptions to this calculation when OnOrder quantities are < 0 (In the case of returns.)

  1. Once a Purchase Order has been created in Accounting software, the ON_ORDER_QTY will be increased, and WMS will remove the item(s) from the Stock Ordering module.

Additional Options:

  • Order this for a Sale

Right-click on a sale in the sales or despatch register, select "Create Purchase Order (s)..." - This loads the purchase screen with just those items in the sale with the required sales figures pre-loaded.

  • Analyse in Excel

Sends the current load items to Excel for review.

  • Paste From Clipboard

Ability to paste from Clipboard into the Stock ReOrder form.

Must be in the following columns (no header required):
650 10 25.30

Or direct from Excel: Copy and paste 3 columns side by side.

Using the "Analyse in Excel" option, you need to re-arrange the columns or make a new sheet with just the three columns.

When ready to paste, select "Paste From Clipboard."

  • Create as Transfer

User can create a transfer order if you wish to transfer stock from a different location. Once you select this option system asks you to select stock source Location.

  • Purchase Request...

User can create a draft PO for purchasing officer. This option record purchase as a request for the Purchase officer to amend/ approve as requires.

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