The following document details a checklist for the error "Replication Incomplete" and other errors caused by the WMS not being able to interact with MYOB.
Detail Steps
Check the Status Reporter (Shift + F5) to see a list of issues captured during the recent replication process.
Revert reedit from "ODBC driver = OLEDB.1" (remove SQL version = 2000) to native client, test maintenance replication and proceed with below troubleshooting.
A previous replication was stopped due to MYOB crashing and the WMS will not be able to gain connection until the lock is removed.
Details in Tools, Connect, configuration are incorrect.
ODBC_MYOB.ini in C:\Program Files (x86)\Datapel Systems\Common is setup incorrectly.
The C:\Program Files (x86)\Datapel Systems\Warehouse Management System\prefs.xml file is set to use "Multi MYOB" but the users are actually logging in using Myobp.exe
Try log into MYOB as ODBC user (another user may be logged in as a single user, different protocol, all licences may be used or the user may be inactive.
ODBC user access to MYOB data has been restricted.
Anti virus Software is blocking the process, all processes that run DTMYOBCONNECT.dll, DTconnection.exe, MYOBP.exe, WMS.exe, should be excluded from the antivirus.
DEP is stopping the replication from running, place exception in, My computer, properties, advanced system settings, Advanced, Performance, Data Execution Prevention. Either select essential windows only or place exceptions for all of the above.
User does not have access to the MYOB installation Path or MYOB data file path or MYOB file is marked as read only.
Please check if MYOB company name don't have ''&'' symbol as we dont support them and might cause an issue.
User does not have access to c:\Windows or C:\Documents and Settings\"User" (their folder) or C:\Users\"Windows Username"\WINDOWS. Required for MYOB to create some .ini files.
The users home drive is a mapped drive not a physical drive (Instead of mapping a home drive in user prefs mapping a drive in a script resolves this issue). This will cause the odbc.ini to stop being created and not allow the use of TCP/IP.
ODBC Driver is corrupt and requires reinstall.
Users are accessing MYOB data file from two different paths. Users must access from the same path as found in tools, connect, configuration. For all company files they have to use the same drive name or UNC Path.
Users are not logging into MYOB with TCP/IP protocol.
Check the registry default myobp.exe path :-\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\Myobp.exe
Errors can be rectified via first backup MYOB, Verify and optimise of MYOB company file.
Restart the server.
Confirm MYOB company file.
Create a TEST myob connection (find the attached key file)
β\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\Myobp.exe\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\Myobp.exe
Related Information
Should you find further errors please notify support so they may be included in this article.
Can use below method to check the effective permissions to folders