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MYOB AccountRight Library Service issue
MYOB AccountRight Library Service issue

MYOB AccountRight Library Service Issue

Updated over a week ago


This article only applies to AccountRight Server Edition.

The AccountRight Library service allows to access and open MYOB company files.

If AccountRight Library service is missing or not working, this will cause errors such as replication fails and inability to connect to MYOB.

Detail Steps


Log into the server as an administrator or a user with administrator privileges.

Step 1 - Determine if the AccountRight Library service is Started

  1. Close all programs.

  2. Simultaneously press the Windows

    and R keys on your keyboard (

    + R ). The Run window appears.

  3. In the Open field, type "services.msc"then click OK. The Services window appears.

4. In the list of services, look for MYOB AccountRight Library

5. Right-click on MYOB AccountRight Library and choose Start.

6. The service will start and display a status of Started or Running.

7. Double-click on MYOB AccountRight Library. Service Properties windows appears.

8. On the General tab at the Startup type field, select Automatic [Delayed Start].

9. Click the Recovery tab.

10. For Subsequent failures, select Restart the Service and click OK.

11. Repeat steps 1 - 10 to ensure the other 2 AccountRight services are started:

  • MYOB AccountRight Server 201X.X (where 201X.X refers to your AccountRight version, such as 2015.2).

  • MYOB AccountRight Server Locator

12. Close the Services window.

Step 2 - Reset your AccountRight Library location

By default, your AccountRight library is the My AccountRight Files folder here:

C:\users\Public\Documents\MYOB\My AccountRight Files

You should confirm your AccountRight library location before completing the steps below.

  • Navigate to C:\users\Public\Documents\MYOB\My AccountRight Files and confirm that your company file is stored in this location (the file will end with ".myox", for example "MyCompanyFile.myox"

  • Click the MYOB Add-on Connector icon

    (in your computer's system tray, near the clock) and choose Status. The displayed window will show you your current library location.

If you can't confirm your current AccountRight library location, skip to task 2 "Reset your network configuration" below.

Once you have confirmed the location of your current AccountRight library, here's what to do:

  1. Close AccountRight.

  2. Open the Set Library Location window:

    • [Windows 7] Go to the Windows Start menu > All Programs > MYOB > MYOB AccountRight (your version) > Tools > Set Library Location.

    • [Windows 8] Open the All apps view and locate the Set Library Locationtool (you'll find it in the MYOB group).

    • [Windows 10] Go to the Windows Start menu, open the MYOB folder and click Set Library Location.

  3. Click Browse and select a folder (any folder) as the new library location.

  4. Click OK. The Set library location window reappears.

  5. Click Set Location. A message appears reminding you that the new library location must be on a local drive.

  6. Click OK.

  7. Once this is complete, repeat steps 2 - 6 to set the library location back to its original location.

If the library service issue persists, continue to the next task.

Step 3 - Check the Properties of AccountRight Library

You can check the Properties of AccountRight Library as follows:

  1. Simultaneously press the Windows

    and E key on your keyboard (the Windows

  2. key is between the Ctrl and Alt keys). The Windows Explorerwindow appears.

  3. Navigate to your My AccountRight Files folder at C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\MYOB\My AccountRight Files) If you've moved your AccountRight library from this default location, you will need to navigate to the new location instead.

  4. Right-click the My AccountRight Files folder and choose Properties.

  5. Click the Security tab.

  6. If Windows warns you that 'the permissions of My AccountRight Files are incorrectly ordered which may cause some entries to be incorrect", click OK.

  7. Click Edit. If Windows warns with the same message as described in the previous step, click Reorder then proceed to step 7. If no warning message appears, proceed to the next task (Check the Windows "shares").

  8. Restart the MYOB AccountRight Library service:

    1. Simultaneously press the Windows

      and R key on your keyboard. The Run window appears.

    2. In the Open field, type services.msc then click OK.

    3. In the list of services, right-click MYOB AccountRight Library and choose Start.

If the library service issue persists, continue to the next task.

Step 4 - Check the Shared folder of AccountRight

You can check if the required Windows shares exist as follows:

  1. Click the Windows Start button, right-click Computer and choose Manage. The Computer Management window appears.

  2. In the left panel, click to expand System Tools and click to expand Shared Folders. Three folders will be displayed under this: Shares, Sessions and Open Files.

  3. Click Shares. If the required shared folders exist, they will be displayed as shown in the following example:

  4. If the AccountRight shares are listed, proceed to Task 6 below.

  5. If the AccountRight shared folders are not listed, you can manually create the required shared folders using this table as guide:

    Share nameFolder pathDescriptionAccountRight.BackupC:\Users\Public\Documents\MYOB\My AccountRight Files\.backupsMYOB AccountRight Library ShareAccountRight.ExportC:\Users\Public\Documents\MYOB\My AccountRight Files\.exportsMYOB AccountRight Library ShareAccountRight.ImportC:\Users\Public\Documents\MYOB\My AccountRight Files\.importsMYOB AccountRight Library ShareAccountRight.MigrateC:\Users\Public\Documents\MYOB\My AccountRight Files\.migratesMYOB AccountRight Library ShareAccountRight.RestoreC:\Users\Public\Documents\MYOB\My AccountRight Files\.restoresMYOB AccountRight Library ShareAccountRight.UpgradeC:\Users\Public\Documents\MYOB\My AccountRight Files\.upgradesMYOB AccountRight Library Share

  6. In the Computer Management window, right-click Shares and choose New Share. The Create A Shared Folder Wizard appears.

  7. Click Next.

  8. In the Folder path field, enter the folder path for the share being created. This information can be copied from the table above and pasted into the Folder pathfield.

  9. Click Next.

  10. If a warning displays about "The system cannot find the specified path", click Yes to create it.

  11. Enter the Share name and Description for the share being created. Refer to the table above for this information.

  12. Click Next.

  13. Click Finish then click Finish again.

  14. Repeat steps 6 - 13 to create all required shares as listed in the table above. The shares will then be listed in the Computer Management window as shown below.

If the library service issue persists, please refer to STEP 6 - Repair the AccountRight Installation in following URL:

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