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EDI - General WMS Workflow
EDI - General WMS Workflow

Rules and Workflow Processes for the EDI module

Updated over a week ago

EDI - General WMS Workflow


The following document describes the Rules and Workflow Processes for most order scenarios for the EDI module.

Electronic data interchange (EDI) is the computer-to-computer exchange of business documents between companies. EDI replaces the faxing and mailing of paper documents.

EDI documents use specific computer record formats that are based on widely accepted standards.

Before you begin processing orders, please review the EDI standards provided by vendor.

  • All EDI orders will Bill to Head Office and ship to the receiving Store/Re-distribution Centres.

  • All EDI orders will import with the status "On Hold".

When processing these orders there are five main scenarios to consider.

  • Out of stock / Backordered (Select No Backorder Option when drilling to despatch)

  • Discontinued Items will import as \c with item barcode in description field (line is cancelled from sale, verbal/written notification to customer)

  • Stock Available now (Customer requests delayed delivery)

  • Stock Available now (Customer requests ASAP delivery)

  • Complete Order is Out of Stock/Order rejected (change promised date to 1/1/3000, approve order (to send response to trade partner), then cancel the order.)

Detail Steps

Processing Orders

  1. Check the register frequently for "On Hold" orders by sorting the register by the priority column.

  2. When a new order is found, review the order to check whether the order can be delivered according the Promised Date. If the promised date cannot be met then the promised date should be changed to 1/1/3000, sales status set to approved and then the order should be cancelled. If it can be met in full or partially continue to next step.

  3. Open the order in the sales register to review.

  4. Check Customer details and select freight method.

  5. Change the order status to High Priority (you may not be able to save the editted order in "On Hold" Status due to your preferences), this will also make finding the order you are working on a lot easier to find when returning to the sales register.

  6. Check the order lines, cancelling discontinued lines and alerting the customer verbally/in writing with the correct barcodes for the \c items so they are correct in the next order. \c Codes should not be updated and stock should not be supplied for these lines.

  7. Prices cannot be changed. These order lines must not proceed to be picked and packed.

  8. Record the Sale Order.

  9. In the detail section, right click any item that cannot be delivered and select cancel line.

  10. Repeat steps 1-9 until all orders are complete.

  11. Sort register by "Priority" to locate all high Priority orders.

  12. From the sales register Select all High Priority orders for the trade partner that do not already have a green tick, right click and print pick slips.

  13. From the sales register Select all High Priority orders for the rebel group that do not already have a green tick.Right click select set order status "Approve" (The POA will be sent to trade partner at this point.)

  14. Select all High Priority orders again and select order priority, set order status Normal.

  15. Cancel all MYOB Approved(green tick) NSA Orders ONLY.

  16. Physically pick/Scan order as normal.

  17. When physically packing the order, pack as per grouping on the picking list ONLY, this grouping will be delivered to different stores, label all boxes/bags used by number and advise on the picking slip/sale advice the box/bag number. Please pack the entire line of each item ordered in one bag/Box where possible.

  18. Manually Mark pick list with total # boxes and total Cubic volume.

  19. Provide picking sheet to data entry person.

  20. Data entry person - Open sale (drill to source).

  21. Enter Box number into the job number field in the sale (DO NOT update the Job Note in any way as this is the delivery store).

  22. *Where not all items from one line can fit into one box you will need to split the line manually in the picking screen. Please see section below for Splitting sale lines for packing in multiple boxes.

  23. Drill to despatch, pack the order, add the Total Packages an Cubic into the fields provided.

  24. Print pallet labels, create Connote Shipping labels and apply to boxes.

  25. Ship the orders in the WMS, DO NOT provide invoices, advanced shipping notices will be sent electronically upon marking the order as shipped.

Splitting sale lines for packing in multiple boxes
When item lines are packed into two or more boxes, item QTYs and box numbers should be added manually to the picking slip/sale advice by the packer not just the box number.

The process then becomes a little more difficult for the data entry person.

Please follow the steps below.
1. View the order in the picking screen (drill to despatch or double click on the order in

despatch and review pick).
2. Release the lines which require splitting (using the check boxes select only the items

that require splitting then select release stock).
3. Double click on the released line and select the QTY that was packed in the first box.
4. Select Use Select and OK and YES to the message box to accept the line split.
5. Repeat until all split boxes are complete and the order is fully picked.
6. Close the pick screen.

Additional Information

Import Errors
When the Ship to store name is not matched, it will import but be set to ship to Store not the receiving store (This will also occur for multiple delivery stores scenario and in this case only it is OK).
For any other scenario. There is a tag in the import file called SHIPToCardeIdentification this tag is the Ship Store ID and should be given to trade partner so they can provide you with the store details - Once corrected in your MYOB file customer card (Tax ID and Card Identification) delete the original imported order and locate these files in C:\WMSDB\EDI\IN\Archive and they can be matched by order number move the file to C:\WMSDB\EDI\IN.

Rejected Orders
When the Bill to store name is not matched, it will be rejected and the status reporter will be highlighted in red. It is recommended you manually review the order in the processed folder. The file will be prefixed with "Reject-" within the folder. This is an unlikely scenario but if it does happen please ensure the card identifier and Tax ID is set correctly. Replicate and reimport the EDI sales. If it continues to fail contact DATAPEL support.

Reimporting Orders
Move orders from C:\WMSDB\EDI\IN\Archive to C:\WMSDB\EDI\IN and wait up to 15 minutes or process manually as per below.

Manually Importing Orders (This process is automatic every 15 minutes)
Select File > Import > Remote Sales.
Select OK (Message only shown when orders are present).
Select "Import Orders.." (If no orders are present the folder will be opened).
Verify imported # of Sales matches total number attemped to import.
Select OK and review status reporter for errors where required.

Folder Locations
Orders (Yet to Be Imported)- C:\WMSDB\EDI\IN
Processed Orders and Rejects - C:\WMSDB\EDI\IN\Processed
Outgoing responses (Confirmations Yet to Processed) - C:\WMSDB\EDI\[Vendor name]\Archive
Outgoing responses (Confirmations Processed) - C:\WMSDB\EDI\[Vendor name]\Archive
Outgoing responses (ASNs Yet to Processed) - C:\WMSDB\EDI\[Vendor name]
Outgoing responses (ASNs Processed) - C:\WMSDB\EDI\[Vendor name]\Archive

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