Mobility item search allows a user to look up item details of a stock item from an item number or barcode. The quantity and batch serial number details can be viewed via warehouse, bin and pallet lot locations.
Detail Steps
Step 1: Turn on the Velocity and from the Mobility Home select option “Item Search”.
Step 2: Scan or enter item barcode > Go to Step 5.
If it is scan the item barcode then it automatically the search for the item > Go to Step 3.
After entering the item barcode then Press the Continue button to search for an item > Go to Step 3.
Press the Back button to exit and return to Mobility Home > Go to Step 1.
Press the Hints button to show barcode shortcut codes > Go to Step 4.
Step 3: Searching for item.
Step 4: Helpful Hints.
Upon you view the hints, then press the Back button to return to Scan Produce Barcode > Return to Step 2.
Press *5 to search item at Step 2.
Press *4 to lookup bin at Step 2.
Press the Back button to return to the Scan Produce Barcode > Return to Step 2.
Step 5: Item will be displayed as a brief stock description with quantities per location.
Use the Next and Previous buttons to view between locations.
Press the Find Article button to view stock on hand quantities and if applicable scan Batch Serial Number > Go to Step 6.
Press the More Details button to view default bin, overflow bin, min/max, UDFs > Go to Step 7.
Step 6: If the item has serial/batch tracking turn on > Scan batch/serial number or key in batch/serial number for batch/serial details.
TQOH Qty represents the combined stock total of all locations.
Press the Continue button to look up stock against particular batch/serial numbers “~” is used as the default batch/serial number > Go to Step 7.
Press the Done button to return to Mobility Home > Return to Step 1.
Press Back button to return to Mobility Home > Return to Step 1.
Step 7: Item number in more details.
Press Back button to return to Scan Produce Barcode > Return to Step 2.
Step 8: System prompts alert if scan wrong item barcode from Step 2.