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Mobility – Item Search

Searching items through mobility

Updated over a week ago


Mobility item search allows a user to look up item details of a stock item from an item number or barcode. The quantity and batch serial number details can be viewed via warehouse, bin and pallet lot locations.

Detail Steps

Step 1: Turn on the Velocity and from the Mobility Home select option “Item Search”.

Step 2: Scan or enter item barcode > Go to Step 5.

  • If it is scan the item barcode then it automatically the search for the item > Go to Step 3.

  • After entering the item barcode then Press the Continue button to search for an item > Go to Step 3.

  • Press the Back button to exit and return to Mobility Home > Go to Step 1.

  • Press the Hints button to show barcode shortcut codes > Go to Step 4.

Step 3: Searching for item.

Step 4: Helpful Hints.

  • Upon you view the hints, then press the Back button to return to Scan Produce Barcode > Return to Step 2.

  • Press *5 to search item at Step 2.

  • Press *4 to lookup bin at Step 2.

  • Press the Back button to return to the Scan Produce Barcode > Return to Step 2.

Step 5: Item will be displayed as a brief stock description with quantities per location.

  • Use the Next and Previous buttons to view between locations.

  • Press the Find Article button to view stock on hand quantities and if applicable scan Batch Serial Number > Go to Step 6.

  • Press the More Details button to view default bin, overflow bin, min/max, UDFs > Go to Step 7.

Step 6: If the item has serial/batch tracking turn on > Scan batch/serial number or key in batch/serial number for batch/serial details.

  • TQOH Qty represents the combined stock total of all locations.

  • Press the Continue button to look up stock against particular batch/serial numbers “~” is used as the default batch/serial number > Go to Step 7.

  • Press the Done button to return to Mobility Home > Return to Step 1.

  • Press Back button to return to Mobility Home > Return to Step 1.

Step 7: Item number in more details.

  • Press Back button to return to Scan Produce Barcode > Return to Step 2.

Step 8: System prompts alert if scan wrong item barcode from Step 2.

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