Creating required Datapel CloudWMS Items in Xero
CloudWMS requires two specific items in Xero for a CloudWMS Comment Line and to manage adjustment costs that need to be posted to Xero. This document explains how to create the required CloudWMS items in Xero.
Detailed Steps
1. Create new Item in Xero for CloudWMS Comment Line
Create new item via Business – Products and services
\c as the Code
CloudWMS Comment Line as the Name
Set this as both Purchase and Sell only and assign to required account
2. Create new Item in Xero for CloudWMS Shrinkage Line
Create new item via Business – Products and services
\shrinkage as the Code
CloudWMS Shrinkage Line as the Name
Set this as both Purchase and Sell only and assign to required account
Creating CloudWMS Locations in Xero
CloudWMS requires at least one Location Contact in Xero to manage the location of your inventory in your CloudWMS. This document explains how to create a new location contact in Xero.
Detailed Steps
1. Create a new Supplier Contact in Xero.
2. The name of the contact can be any name you like; however, we recommend you start the name with a common thread such as "LOC-" to group all the locations in your Xero file.
3. Set the Account number. This is the name you will see in the CloudWMS drop-down list, for example, "COLDSTORE" or "NSW".
4. Enter the Warehouse address and contact details, including a contact name. The location will not be created without it.
5. On the Contact details TAB, set the Primary Person Last name to “datapel.location”
Workflow Restrictions
Creating CloudWMS required Customer and Supplier Contacts in Xero
CloudWMS requires at least one Customer Contact and one Supplier Contact in Xero. This document explains how to create the contacts in Xero so that they can be used in CloudWMS for sales and purchases.
Detailed Steps
1. Create a new Customer Contact in Xero.
The name of the contact can be any name you like
Set the unique Account Number
Enter the Bill To and Ship To address and contact details.
Create and assign to a new group in Xero called “Datapel Customers”
2. Create a new Supplier Contact in Xero.
The name of the contact can be any name you like
Set the unique Account Number
Enter the address and contact details.
Create and assign to a new group in Xero called “Datapel Suppliers”
Creating CloudWMS required “Special Pricing Contacts” in Xero
CloudWMS requires THREE “special pricing” contacts in Xero that are used with the Special Pricing Module. This document explains how to create the contacts in Xero.
Detailed Steps
1. Create a new Customer Contact in Xero.
The name of the contact MUST be “*ALLCUSTOMERS”
Set the unique Account Number to also be “*ALLCUSTOMERS”
Assign to the group in Xero called “Datapel Customers”
No other contact details are required
2. Create a new Supplier Contact in Xero.
The name of the contact MUST be “*ALLSUPPLIERS”
Set the unique Account Number to also be “*ALLSUPPLIERS”
Assign to the group in Xero called “Datapel Suppliers”
No other contact details are required
3. Create a new Supplier Contact in Xero.
The name of the contact MUST be “*ALLLOCATIONS”
Set the unique Account Number to also be “*ALLLOCATIONS”
On the Contact details TAB, set the Primary Person Last name to “datapel.location”
Assign to the group in Xero called “Datapel Suppliers”
No other contact details are required