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Creating a Kit in WMS

Setting up a kit in WMS

Updated over a week ago


This document explains how to setup a β€œKIT” in WMS for use in the Warehouse Management System.

Kits are used to enter a group of items into a sale using one main header code.

For example, you might like to sell a coffee package that contains coffee, a coffee machine and Milk; however, you do not assemble this product before picking the order. Therefore, the kit header, a non-inventory item, is entered on the sale, and the components are listed below.

Important Note

Make sure BOM is turned ON in pref.xml <WMSAsBOMSource>TRUE</WMSAsBOMSource>

Detail Steps

To create a KIT for WMS:

1. Open WMS.

2. Go to Items list register.

3. Highlight KIT Non-inventory item that you need to create KIT.

4. Open up Inventory detail card > Settings > make sure you tick the box.

5. After this action, Component Tab will appear between Details Tab and Pricing Tab

6. Select ''Components Tab.''

7. To start to create a new KIT, please select Edit Bill Of Materials (BOM)...

8. New KIT components entry screen will open.

9. Enter quantity required to produce a single built item.

10. Enter all components by manually entering items, selecting Ctrl+Enter to use Stock

Lookup assistant and selecting multiple items.

11. Enter component unit quantity to produce a single built item.

12. Record BOM.

13. New KIT is ready and will appear in the Inventory detail card under Components Tab.


To edit a KIT for WMS:

1. Open WMS.

2. Go to Items List register.

3. Find your KIT item.

4. Open Inventory card and go to Components Tab > Edit BOM or highlight item within Items List register > right-click > select Bill Of Materials.

5. Please make changes to BOM and Record BOM.

Workflow Options

If you need to Insert or Delete line > right-click on Line and select one of the listed.

Import/Export KIT components in WMS:

1. Open WMS.

2. Go to Items List register.

3. Find your KIT item.

4. Open Inventory card and go to Components Tab > Export to CSV > save to your local format template.

5 . Open the saved template from your local and edit the template to add the kit components.

6. Go to WMS > File > Import > Bill of Materials; the components will be added to the system.

KIT Pricing

There are two methods to setup the price of KIT.

1. Setup Unit price under a KIT item, then the system uses this as the total price.

(Highlighted Unit Price can be edited in MYOB, but it must be "I Sell" in MYOB)

2. You also can add volume discounts and special pricing for the KIT item as well.

3. In WMS, you will see this KIT with $100 special pricing and a 20% Volume discount as below.

4. COGS perspective, system discount all components to the extent that Total will add up to a KIT item, you can see discount percentage under sale registry detail section as below

5. Leave Unit Price as Zero. The system uses a total of components price.

Important Note

Volume discount still applies, and SPS also will apply if setup for each component.

6. However, if you use method one after you record, the sale order system will hide your special pricing as below, note Disc% and Price$ columns.

7) Kit components will not be shown in Sales Order if KIT components are also used as Assemblies Items. Instead, only the kit header item will be shown.

KIT Backorder options

There is an additional option for Pick and Backorder kits whereby when kit items pick or back order as complete KIT.

In another word, If at least one KIT component doesn't have enough stock (NSA) then System Pick up to maximum complete kits and split rest as a KIT as below.

As well as, BackOrder is a complete set even though some items in the KIT may have stock in the system.

To turn on this function Go to Tools > Preferences> Inventory tab and tick the checkbox shown below.

Now you pick the order system will give you this warning.

Once you click OK, the systems pick KIT as below. Even though you have enough stock RTP for some item, system only pick up to full KIT.

Now system splits KIT as below in your sale order.

Now you can backorder as full KIT.

If the system can't pick any complete KIT, DO NOT split the KIT instead pick all RTP in order to hold all available components as below

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