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Jobs - Progressive Billing Workflow
Jobs - Progressive Billing Workflow

Explaining how WMS can be used to bill customers for Jobs

Updated over a year ago


This document explains how WMS can be used to bill customers for Jobs on a weekly, monthly or other nominated period, according to the Cost of sales of a Job code.

Detail Steps

  1. Create the Job in MYOB and Replicate to WMS.

  2. Enter sales for the customer as normal but do not enter a price, the sale should be $0.00, ensure the job ID is entered in each line of the order.

  3. When the job is complete or after each nominated period of time run the Sales, Sales Summary, By Job report from the reports menu.

Select the Date range you require, the order status and the job number on the report criteria form. The report can be run in Summary or detail modes depending on the detail of information you require.

The report will list the jobs and the cost of sales for each jobs, using this figure you can charge your customer accordingly.

Charging your Customer

  1. Create an item, this can be used for all job charging and does not need to be created per job.

  2. Mark this item in MYOB as I sell but do not tick I Buy or I Inventory (a replication is required for all new item numbers).

  3. Run your Sales Summary by Job Code Report.

  4. Create a new Sale Order to your Customer, the order date should be the End Date of the Report.

  5. Enter the Non inventory Item Number at a Quantity of 1, it is also essential to enter the original Job number for future Profit reporting.

  6. Using the Sales Summary By Job Report analysing the Cost of Sales and work out the Price to charge your customer or if you have a fixed price use this.

  7. Records the sale, pick, pack, Ship and Close the sale.

* You can now run the Sales Summary by Job report again and view your Job profit.

Case Study 1

Your Company has just won a plumbing Job for a Variable Price (Price to be determined at completion of Job).

You have some items in stock but need to place an order with your Supplier ” Plumbing Parts R Us ” for more stock to complete the Job.

You send the stock you have available now and deliver the remaining stock once your supplier delivers your order.


  • Enter your purchase orders, no job code is required in this case, we will use the average cost of the item at time of sale and show that on the Job Profit report in WMS.

  • Enter your sales to your customer at $0.00, remember to put the job code on the invoice as this is essential.

  • Receive additional Stock and enter more sales as above.

  • Run the WMS Job Profit Report from the WMS reports menu and Select your customised criteria.

  • Using the Cost of Sales section on the report calculate your final sale amount, Enter Final Sale, pick, pack ship and closed the order.

  • Run the WMS Job Profit Report again to view your final profit.

*When you use this case profit reports for Jobs should be run using WMS not MYOB.

Case Study 2

Your Company has just won a plumbing Job for a fixed Price of $3575.00.

You have some items in stock but need to place an order with your Supplier ” Plumbing Parts R Us ” for more stock to complete the Job.

You send the stock you have available now and deliver the remaining stock once your supplier delivers your order.

*When you use this case profit reports for Jobs should be run using WMS.


  • Enter your purchase orders, no job code is required in this case, we will use the average cost of the item at time of sale and show that on the Job Profit report in WMS.

Enter your sales to your customer at $0.00, remember to put the job code on the invoice as this is essential.

  • Receive additional Stock and enter more sales as above.

  • Enter Final Sale at the contract price of $3575.00, include the Job Number, pick, pack ship and closed the order.

  • Run the WMS Job Profit Report to view your final profit.

*When you use this case profit reports for Jobs should be run using WMS not MYOB.

Case Study 3

Your Company has just won a plumbing Job for a fixed Price of $3575.00

You use Job codes in purchasing and always place an order per Job with your Supplier ” Plumbing Parts R Us ”.

You send the stock as it arrives, either in one shipment or many shipments.


  • Enter your purchase orders, enter the job code, only enter items/Qnty with job codes that relate to this job.

  • Receive your Job Stock.

  • Enter your sales to your customer at $0.00, remember to put the job code on the invoice as this is essential.

  • Enter Final Sale at the contract price of $3575.00, include the Job Number, pick, pack ship and closed the order.

  • Run the MYOB Job Profit Loss Report.

*When you use this case profit reports should be run using MYOB - Jobs - Profit/Loss Report.

Case Study 4

Your Company has just won a plumbing Job for a Variable Price (Price to be determined at completion of Job)

You use Job codes in purchasing and always place an order per Job with your Supplier ” Plumbing Parts R Us ”.

You send the stock as it arrives, either in one shipment or many shipments.


  • Enter your purchase orders, enter the job code, only enter items/Qnty with job codes that relate to this job.

  • Receive your Job Stock.

  • Enter your sales to your customer at $0.00, remember to put the job code on the invoice as this is essential.

  • Run the MYOB Job Profit Loss Report, use this report to view how much to charge your customer based on the purchases.

  • Enter Final Sale at the nominated Price, include the Job Number, pick, pack ship and closed the order.

  • Run the MYOB Job Profit Loss Report.

*When you use this case profit reports should be run using MYOB - Jobs - Profit/Loss Report.

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